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May 27(Mon)12:00〜 June 26(Wed)23:59

  • from Karin

    Dear Reita, it's been 2 months and counting, but your presence still being missed by all your fans. Your music will always be in our heart, GazettE and Six Guns will always be with you. I hope I can see the live in Sept, and be closer to you on stage once again. Thank you for everything, thank you for the GazettE.


  • from Kaya

    I will forever love the GazettE. Everything you've done has been incredible, you have a beautiful soul and personality. I hope you know just how much you've influenced the world, so many young artists have followed their dreams in the music industry because of you. You're truly a wonderful person, and you'll forever mean the world to me. I miss you. We'll meet again.


  • from Tinary

    El tiempo pasa pero el dolor no ha menguado,la vida sigue su curso y el recuerdo de todo lo bueno que ha dejado Reita-san en mi vida; la música, es el amortiguador de las noches que mis lágrimas no podían detenerse. Gracias infinitas por haberme dado la oportunidad de escucharle en vivo,por haberme dado compañía a través de su música. Gracias y descansa bien. Te amo mucho Reita. ❤️


  • from Yasmine ꒰⁠⑅⁠ᵕ⁠༚⁠ᵕ⁠꒱⁠

    Dear REITA, Hello, I'm one of the many who haven't posted a message yet. And that's because it's hard. Today's the day I greet you with my head held high. I will always keep you and your life's work in my heart, my thoughts and conversation. The Gazette will live on forever, as a long term fan, I will do my part in the best way I can. Your music shaped my love for bass and the unique VKei style. Thank you for being in my life for so long, now I can only remember your shining smile 🌟 rest well.


  • from Kiwi

    Reita, you were a beloved friend to so many people around the world. There are so many lives you touched, and I wonder sometimes if you had ever imagined that you would be able to do all that just by being yourself. Your bass was the soundtrack to the last 17 years of my life, and I never thought possible that it wouldn't always be like that. It's not fair that you left us so soon, but you will always be immortal in your music. The Gazette will last forever.


  • from callie

    thank you for everything ❤


  • from Carol Stucchi

    Reita, você é e sempre será importante para o The gazette e para os fãs, de todas as formas possíveis. Seu legado continuará vivo. Amamos você para sempre!


  • from raydo

    Greetings, Reita-san. I just wonder how are you doing on heaven now? Thanks for became my inspirational Bassist forever for me. Because of you, I love music, i love bass, i love the GazettE and it makes my live brighter. "Tomorrow Never Dies" and "Miseinen" will always be my spirit for carrying my live till the end. Love from your fans on Indonesia.


  • from Milou

    Dear Reita, it has been 18 years since I discovered the GazettE. A lot has changed since then, but my love for you and the rest of the band members has never changed. Words cannot describe how much you will be missed. Thank you for everything. I wish you all the best, wherever you are. Much love, from the Netherlands.


  • from RIKCY

    Not a day went by where I didn’t smile because of the GazettE, because of you. Thank you so much for everything.


  • from teo

    te extraño siempre


  • from remi

    reita, you were a huge inspiration for me in fashion and character design, your death still makes me sad and i truly hope you are doing better in the afterlife. Thank you for being part of the gazette.


  • from platy

    Reita, the legacy you have left is incredible. There's so much of your sound and energy in the beautiful music you created with GazettE — sadness, joy, anger. There are songs with every kind of emotion. You have left inspiring, energetic and comforting moments in both video and music. Thank you. It must be hard to understand how far your music and presence have reached this world, but just know that you worked hard and many people appreciate the fact you were born.


  • from aya

    私の青春でした。今でもthe GazettEの曲を聴くとあの頃を思い出します。 酸いも甘いも、本当にいろんなことがありました。いま、私はしあわせです。あの頃を支えてくれた、the GazettEのメンバーのあなたへ、心からの感謝を込めて。どうか安らかに。


  • from minami

    hi, REITAさん. the GazettEとファンのためにしてくださったすべてに感謝します。これは非常に貴重です。いつも私たちの心の中にいます。 gazerock is not dead ❤️


  • from Rei…

    れいたさん。 あれからもう2ヶ月が経ったんですね。 れいたさんへの想いを綴る度に涙が溢れてきました。 信じたくない、信じきれない現実に向き合い、受け入れようと今も頑張っています。 正直、直接お別れもお礼も言えないから実感なんてできない…そんな中でれいたさんへの想いを文章にすると、嫌でも向き合い、気持ちを整理することができます。このような場を設けてくださったスタッフの皆様、ありがとうございます。 元気が欲しくてれいたさんのベースを聴くと、れいたさんが恋しくなって心が切なくなります。だけど聴き続けるうちに、れいたさんがかっこよくベースを弾く姿やステージでの笑顔が浮かんできて、幸せな気持ちでいっぱいになります。 今でもれいたさんに励まされてます。 れいたさんは私の中でずっと生き続けます。 何度も何度も伝えたいです。れいたさんを好きになれて幸せでした。れいたさんを好きになってからのこの20年間、ずっとパワーをもらっていました。ありがとうございます。 これからもずっと変わることなくれいたさんを想います。 the GazettEは永遠です。 生まれ変わったらまた逢いましょう。愛してます。


  • from Viks🇧🇬

    Yo! I was so sad when I got the news Reita passed away. The Gazette was the band that introduced me to Japanese music in 2019 and I still love it. I picked the bass mainly because of Reita. I even had a picture of him in my room together with my band posters. I bought a CD to support you guys and I will cherish it forever in my collection. Love from Bulgaria!!! I will be forever inspired by your creativity. Rest in piece, legend! Thank you! Fly high!!! ☆


  • from Thùy Trang

    Gần đây em đã xem lại concert kỷ niệm 15 năm, đó là nơi mà hình ảnh Reita cùng chiếc băng mũi đã mở ra cánh cửa đưa em đến với the GazettE. Cho đến giờ, the GazettE vẫn luôn là nguồn động lực lớn để em có thể vượt qua những ngày tưởng chừng như không thể, từ tận đáy lòng em luôn cảm thấy hạnh phúc và biết ơn. Từ thiên đường xin hãy dõi theo Ruki, Aoi, Uruha, Kai và đoạn đường phía trước của the GazettE. the GazettE chắc chắn sẽ tồn tại mãi mãi. Một lần nữa, cảm ơn Reita vì tất cả.


  • from A Reita Friend ☆

    Reita two months after that news, I hope you feel all the affection we have for you and that you know that every day we love you much more and that you also know that we are fulfilling your last wish. I will love you eternally and protect the GazettE as long as life allows me. Every day I see the sky and it becomes more and more beautiful, thank you for continuing to shine and illuminate our lives. Wherever you are, I hope you are resting warmly and quietly. the GazettE will last forever


  • from MM

    私の人生の中に貴方がいてくれてよかった。 ずっと愛してます。


  • from サラ



  • from Adélie

    I have been a fan of The Gazette for 3 years now and it has been the happiest years of my life because of them and they continue to make my life better. Reita is the reason why I started playing the bass in 2021, he was the coolest guy I have ever seen. I think of him each time I play the bass, it makes my heart ache a bit, but I’ll forever remember him with a smile of my face. I wish I could’ve seen him in real life and hug him and tell him how much he has inspired me. I love you Reita.


  • from Alexandra 🇻🇪

    There are no words to describe how much I admire and love you. You and the GazettE have been my home and safe place for over a decade and knowing that you're not here anymore feels like I had my soul pierced. Nevertheless, the only thing I pray for is that you're in a safe and peaceful place now. It hurts that I won't ever meet you in this lifetime but I'm sure it'll happen some day in another plane. I can feel your spirit everywhere and I'll keep on living to honor the happiness you gave me.


  • from Brenda 🇲🇽

    I’m so lucky and happy your music reached me and I was able to know about you. Your music and the hard you worked to get this far will always be a big inspiration, you’ll always be the the only bassist, the one that shines brighter than anyone else. Thank you for being born. I hope all the love we’re sending reaches you. I’m sure we’ll meet again but in the meantime keep rocking and we’ll protect the GazettE for all the eternity. Rest easy my precious star and wait for us! I love you. WE ROCK!!


  • from j

    never forgotten


  • from Tabea

    Dear Reita, It's two month since you are gone. But it still feels so unreal. Everytime I remember, it feels like hearing it for the first time. I have been a GazettE fan since I was a teenager and I remember that we talked hours about the music and the members. Saw you live for the first time 2007 in Japan and several times afterwards. Everything you gave me is joy and fond memories and it feels like a little bit of my youth is gone with you. Thanks for everything. We wont forget you.


  • from haru

    REITAさんへ 今日も空を見上げて想いを寄せていました。お会いしたい気持ちが募る日々を過ごしています。 REITAさんは人生で初めて好きになったベーシストであり、私にとってヒーローのような存在です。あなたの声や言葉から滲み出る優しい人柄と、ライブでのアグレッシブなベース演奏がとても大好きです。 the GazettEのベーシストはREITAさんだけなので、the GazettEは5人のままです。REITAさんが願った永遠を叶えるためにも、私は生涯をかけてthe GazettEを見届けていきます。きっと一緒にメンバーの皆様のことを見守ってくれると信じています。 REITAさん、生まれてきてくれてありがとうございます。これからもずっと想い続けます。 大好きです。WE ROCK!


  • from Nao

    I'm so greatful for everything you gave me and all of us. Without you, I would never met a lot of friends, wouldn't be the person who I am know. You was the best. You are the best. Foolish big bro. However... thanks for everything, Reita. For being the cool guy. The foolish guy. The one who made us laugh. The one who made us rock. The one who gave us so much strength and selfesteem. I just hope you will rock on, as you always did. Fly high, Reita.


  • from みんみん

    れいたさんへ 早いもので2ヶ月が経ちました。 四十九日後に葵さんの夢に出てくれたそうですが、しっかりとお話ができましたか? あまりにも突然過ぎて、ご自身でもビックリしてるのかな〜と時々思います。。。 私達ファンとしても、the GazettEがいる限り永遠だと信じてるので、どうか迷うことなく進んでくださいね。 こちらで悲しい顔をしてると、迷わせてしまうと思うから… 振り返らずに進んで今後のthe GazettEをしっかりと見守ってください。 そして、れいたさんは永遠にthe GazettEのベーシストですよ。 これまでも、これからもずっと素敵なれいたさんのベースを聴かせてくださいね…


  • from わかな

    れいたさんへ あの日から2ヶ月が経ちました。日本武道館のライブ映像には熱い想いでステージに立っているれいたさんがいるのに、現実ではもう見ることができないなんて今でも信じられません… 低い姿勢でベースを弾く姿、シャウトやコーラスをしてるところ、盛り上げるためにファンを煽るところ、輝かしいベースソロ、どれもがかっこよくて、絶対に忘れたくないライブの光景です。 あの日から心にぽっかり穴があいたままです。れいたさんが願った通りthe GazettEはこれからも続いていきます。 でも、やっぱりれいたさんに会いたいよ。 the GazettEのベースはれいたさんしかいないから。 悲しくて、全てを受け入れるにはまだ時間がかかるけど… いつかまたライブで笑顔になれたらいいなぁと思っています。 明るくて面白い冗談を言ったり、ファンの気持ちを汲み取ってくれる優しいれいたさんが大好きです。 ずっと、the GazettEを見守っていてください。そして、ライブのときは5人のステージが見たいので演奏しに来てください! いつかまたれいたさんに会えますように。


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