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May 27(Mon)12:00〜 June 26(Wed)23:59

  • from htm

    れいたさん。ようやく、ここに書き込むことができました。 もう、二ヶ月も経ってしまいましたね。 あれから色々なことを考えましたが、思い出すのはステージ上で激しくベースを掻き鳴らす姿や、ラジオでメンバーの皆さんと楽しそうにお話しする声など、素敵な思い出ばかりです。 れいたさんと、そしてthe GazettEという存在に出会えたことが、本当に幸せです。 さようならは言いません。また、ライブに帰ってきてくださいね。 次は9月、豊洲で。お会いしましょう。


  • from 悦ちゃん

    REITAさんが逝ってしまって もう2ヶ月をすぎてしまって いまだに 信じられない自分がいます 今 ライブのBlu-rayを見ながら 投稿してます 映像の中でしか 姿を見られないのが残念でなりません でも REITAさんは みんなの心の中で ずっと 永遠に生き続けています


  • from Senzafucio



  • from Sophie

    Thankfully I was able to see the GazettE live in London on 11/06/2019. Truthfully I was really nervous to go on my own, but I fought my anxiety to go anyway and I'm so glad I did. I'm so happy that I got to see you live at least once, and it helped prove to me that it's worth fighting to do the things you want to do, even if your enemy is your own brain. Because of you I will refuse to allow my anxiety, my fear or my self-doubt get in the way of living my life. GazettE will last forever <3


  • from Sophie

    Reita, I discovered the GazettE when I was 11, 17 years ago now. You've always been there for me since then, giving me catharsis, distraction when I needed it, hope & motivation. Over time the GazettE has become etched into my heart and your music makes me feel at home wherever I am. I will always miss you, but I will make sure to live life like I know you'd want me to, so way into the future I can tell you cool stories about it all. I hope you're resting well & that you join us for the lives <3


  • from Xiliaer

    两个月了… 还是好想你啊れいちゃん。 过去的这两个月我发了疯一般地不停地回顾过去的live。 你的眼睛, 你的头发, 你的声音, 你游移的指尖,琴弦那直击人心的音色, 还有你把贝斯背得很低的样子。 一切都还那么鲜明,那么历历在目。 我想要把你的一切都刻在我的脑海里。 无论多少次我都想要说… 我好想你。 虽然我相信终有一天我们会在那个世界相见… 但为什么你不在这里。 好想你。


  • from K

    早いものでもう2ヶ月。お知らせを見てひとしきり涙を流したけどやっぱり実感が湧かない。だって映像の中でも記憶の中にもあなたは鮮明にいるから。5/27のライブを見たら実感するかなと思っていたけど確かにステージ上にあなたを感じたから。まあ考えてみればREITAさんは概念ですからいなくなるわけないんですよね。これからも永遠にthe GazettEのベーシストとして在り続ける。そんなあなたとthe GazettEが大好きです。次のライブまでゆっくりお休みください。


  • from トビ

    reita, i hope you’re doing well in heaven or wherever people go when they die. everyone misses you a lot. when i was in middle school, you were my favorite member. it’s sad that the same week i decided to get back into the music, you passed :( i miss you


  • from Lazuli

    れいたさん、夏が来ましたよ。 日差しが嫌いだけど、れいたさんがあの空で見ていると思ったら頑張って外に出ようと思ってます。 9月のライブ楽しみですね 降りてきてくれるでしょう? 大好きですよ。これからも。何度も言います。


  • from DesiCakes

    The GazettE was one of the very first Japanese bands I stumbled upon on YouTube back in 2006. I was only 11yrs old, I am now 29. This still doesn't feel real. I know you'll be watching over The GazettE everytime they perform and I bet you will peforming with them in spirit. You'll never be forgotten Reita, you are irreplaceable. The GazettE always 5! 💙私たちはあなたを愛してます💙


  • from Celine

    It's been awhile Reita I sadly never got a chance to see you perform live but I will still cherish every happy moment I had because of you. I started playing the bass a bit over a year ago. I still have to go a long way until I can call myself a proper bassist but you are one of my biggest influences and one of the reasons why I started playing the bass. I would never give up on it. It would simply feel like I betrayed you. Thank you so much Reita I hope you rest in peace. <3


  • from Nur

    Reita-san. It is very difficult to put into words how I feel. But thank you for everything you've done for the band. While listening to your songs, I felt great admiration for each of you. I have been inspired by you many times. I've always found strength in your songs. I was hoping to meet you all one day. Well... Maybe we will meet one day, maybe in another life. Who knows.. I love you so much. And don't worry. The GazettE will last forever. Gazerock is not dead! We rock! 🤟🏻❤️


  • from ラナ

    れいたさん、もう2ケ月が経ちましたね。時の流れが速いですけど、心の中は刻が止まっています。周りの世界が一瞬も止まらず進んでいっても、私はずっとあの日のままです。信じたくない、受け止めたくない、現実に向き合いたくなくて申し訳ないです。 大好きです!実際に一度も直接会ったことがないですけど、れいたさんが大好きです!生まれてきてくれて、生きてくれて、ガゼットにいてくれて心から感謝します。いつか逢える日が来る、と信じたいです。 今まではお疲れ様でした。今後もガゼットを見守ってくださいね。


  • from SHIHO.F

    れいたへ お疲れ様です。未だに信じられないけど、18年前にガゼットに出会って、れいたファンの一人になれて本当に良かったです!会いたくなったらライヴに行きます。そのときは格好よくて力強いベースを聴かせてくださいね。まずは9/12楽しみにしています!


  • from Jens

    Thank you for your music and passion. I feel so priviliged of having seen you play in december one last time, so I hope you will continue to look over your bandmates and be with them in spirit. Thank you for everything ❤️


  • from Carlos Fonseca

    You inspired me to want to learn to play the bass but now without you, that inspiring figure I really don't know how to continue but I will keep trying. , I still remember the first time I saw them in Mexico, that first time they came In 2013, I went with my brother, we had a great time together, seeing you and sharing that emotion with him is a memory that I will never forget thank you for giving me so much, sorry for so little


  • from meyo

    Reita, thank you for being a part of my life! I'm so grateful to have known you and the GazettE, and to be able to hear and see your amazing talent. You and your music really saved my life. Thank you so much for everything, Reita! WE ROCK!! #GAZEROCKISNOTDEAD


  • from M

    ずっとずっと大好きです。 貴方に会えたことは人生の誇りです。 天国でもカッコいいベースを弾いていて欲しいです。 愛してます。


  • from Евгения

    Hi, Reita.. I still can’t believe in this, it feels unreal. I only hope that your beautiful soul isn’t suffering now, that you are in peace. Life is definitely unfair and I hate it for taking you away so early. Only thing that helps me is hoping to meet you again, on the other side of life, when my time will come to an end. I want to say so many things to you and give you a huge hug, but it so hard to express all my feelings and thoughts now.. I hope you understand.. Love you forever, Reita..


  • from ロウイ

    It’s been a while since you gone and still I just couldn’t leave a message all these days because it feels like when I do it will be a goodbye for sure and I just can’t hold it… Still I came here to say my goodbye. I just wanted to say that I’m SO grateful for you been born and I live at the same time-space as you. You were always so lively and kind and this inspires me a lot. Hope you know that you’ve be very loved by so many people and always will! Please keep rocking out there! Love you 4ever


  • from bee

    For 17 years The GazettE has been part of my life. I have met other fans, made friendships and saw you following your passion. You have always been yourself, I want to be myself too. Saying goodbye to You is hard. Despite working in a funeral home, being confronted with families and grief every day; am I allowed to mourn too? I miss you. How loud must the music be to feel it in my heart? I carry The GazettE coin case with me every day - this soul can never die. keep riding with the rockers ☆


  • from K

    Dear REITA, I will deeply treasure the memories of seeing you perform live not once but twice. Your music has supported me since I was a teenager, and your legacy lives on in your music. Thank you for everything. Rest in paradise.


  • from Saladin

    Je voulais juste te dire merci pour toutes ces années fantastiques. Repose en paix.


  • from Love from 🇦🇷

    I can't thank you enough for everything you and the GazettE's music have done for me.You Inspired me so much!and even that is painful that we won't see you on stage I'll remembered you with the smile you always had! I was about to say Rest In Peace but I think that you probably be Rock'n on heaven too!We'll see you on the other side some day.Till then I'm sure you are gonna make of heaven a safe place for the band&every six gun like you did on here.Thank You REITA.Thank You the GazettE & Staff💖


  • from Yuri

    Dear Reita-san, I'm sorry it took me so long to write to you. I just still couldn't believe that you are gone now. It took me awhile. I wanted the news of your passing to be fake news, but it wasn't. I now just hope you're at peace and rocking away on your bass wherever you may be now. I grew up listening to The GazettE, so even though I didn't know you personally, it felt like you were a close friend. I'll miss and love you always. Until next time, rest well.


  • from はるR

    れいたさん、やっとここに書き込む勇気が出ました。と言ってもまだ半分は受け入れられてはいません。 でも長年通って見てきたあの景色はいつまでもずっと脳に心に刻み込まれています。いつまでも忘れません。れいたさんもメンバーやゼッターの事ずっと見守っててくださいね。ライブの時はぜひベースを弾きに来てくださいね。the GazettEのベーシストはあなただけですから...。 ずっとずっと忘れません。大好きです。


  • from H

    Reita, mam nadzieje, że przetlumaczysz to sobie gdziekolwiek byś teraz nie był, ale pisanie po polsku wydaje sie najbardziej szczere. Przede wszystkim, dziękuję ci za Twoja muzykę, do której i płakałam i się smialam i uczyłam się i jeździłam autem. Twoja gra na basie sprawiła że i ja zaczęłam na nim grać (wciąż sobie myślę "muszę być cool jak Reita!"). Jesteś inspiracją w dążeniu do spelniania swoich marzeń, dziękuję jeszcze raz, nasza True RnR Star Reita!!!!


  • from Elena K.

    I hope our paths cross again in the next life. Thank you for everything.


  • from エイ

    REITAさんお誕生日おめでとうございます。最近お元気ですか?ベースを弾きますか?0527誕生日ライブでREITAさんと会います本当に嬉しかた。初めてライブで痴情が聞いました。この曲のベースラインは本当に最高です。REITAさんお疲れ様でした。生まれてきてくれてありがとう。私はthe GazettEの5人を永遠に応援します。約束だよ。


  • from Hide 🇲🇽

    It's been two months since you go... times really fly. I really miss you and theres no day I don't think of you Thank you for everything my star ☆ I know that we will meer again


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