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May 27(Mon)12:00〜 June 26(Wed)23:59

  • from Fran

    Aun me acuerdo de la primera vez que los escuché, hace más de 16 años, e instantáneamente fui atraída por tu presencia, tu puesta en escena, tu misticismo y tu pasión. Nunca te olvidaré, The Gazette vivirá siempre en mi, junto a ti. Donde sea que estés espero que puedas ver como siempre brillarás en nuestros corazones. Te extrañamos


  • from Yuna

    I can't find other words than thank you for everything. Rest in Peace you will forever be loved and admired 🤍


  • from いえとし

    reitaさん いいえ reitaさま
    あなたさまこそmy bass heroです 。
    全然面白くない毎日が the gazetteと出会い初めて生きていいと思えるようになりました。gazetteの曲に救われました。

    ベースをやって バンドを組んで最初にコピーした曲もcassisだったし、初めて自分の金で買ったベースもedwardsのE-RF-137SLだったし、自分の人生これまでほとんどreitaさまの背中を見て先を歩みました。


    サンキュー my bass hero


  • from Laura

    Reita, there is so much I´ve always wanted to tell you but I don´t know if I will ever find the words to do so.
    I just want to say THANK YOU! You´ve changed my life in a way no other person has managed to do.
    I found myself within your music, I found my best friends through your music and I became the person I am today thanks to you.
    I hope you can rest peacefully were ever you may be now.
    Thank you again for everything.
    We will always love and remember you.


  • from Fanny

    Ich sage jeden Tag: "Du wirst geliebt!". Du bist zwar nicht mehr hier aber sicher in einem Paralleluniversum oder rockst nun Walhalla. Sicher werden wir uns irgendwann wiedersehen!


  • from Kris

    Happy Birthday, Reita. Love you forever <3


  • from Martina

    Ahoj Reita, píšu ve svém rodném jazyce, protože neumím moc anglicky ani japonsky a ráda bych, aby jsi ty i the GazettE věděli, že máte fanoušky i z České Republiky. Upřímně, stále nevěřím tomu, že nejsi mezi námi, v mém srdce budeš ty i the GazettE žít navěky. Změnili jste mi život a dali mu smysl, inspirovali k mnoha věcem a naučili mnoho o životě, vnímání a citům, o kterých jsem si myslela, že nikdy nepochopím a nebudu mít. Nikdy se nestane, abych vás a vaši hudbu přestala milovat.


  • from Shan

    I will cherish every single memory and moment I had with you. Especially at the NINTH tour live in NYC when I met you.

    Legends never die. Gazerock never dies. Thank you. Happy Birthday.


  • from Ardi Zohar Asiqin

    Reita. Terus terang saja ini adalah kabar yang mengejutkanku sebagai fans the Gazette. Lama tak terdengar kabar yang baik dari kalian, aku malah mendapatkan hal ini.

    Namun ini takdir yang harus kami terima, tak bisa dipungkiri. Mungkin the Gazette harus berempat saat ini, tapi kamu tetap selalu ada di panggungnya setiap saat. Aku yakin itu.

    Terimakasih sudah membuat hari hariku berwarna oleh suara bassmu yang unik. Penampilanmu, dan juga aksimu.

    Akan selalu kami kenang disini.


  • from Iasmina

    Thank you for being in my inspiration and make me fell a little bit more happy even when life stiked the hardest.Even now I cant say you're gone because you will forever be alive in my heart.GAZEROCK will never die and it will be forever 5 members,with you guiding us from the sky.I love you and I wil forever remember you❤️❤️❤️P.S I'm sorry that I couldn’t come to a concert to see you live maybe when we meet in the sky you will sing to me,I wanna make a promise that we will meet and sing together


  • from White Freesia

    I knew The GazettE when I was 11... Now I'm 31 and I can tell I grew up with your amazing songs.
    I always loved your aura of mystery and the way you played your bass on stage, and it was my little dream to see you in concert. It's difficult to imagine the band without you, but your fellow friends are amazing people and they'll keep fulfilling your dream of seeing The Gazette last forever.
    I hope you are happy now.
    Thank you for giving me the strength through your music.
    We love you, Reita!


  • from Arthur Lima

    Ainda não acredito que você se foi, Reita. Espero que esteja bem onde estiver. Obrigado pela sua música que foi tão importante pra mim


  • from M

    I became a fan of you when i was 18 years old. That was 12 years ago. Your music has been with me for a long time, and will forever be. I had the chance to see The Gazette live once, something that i thought would never happen. I was so close to you! Since the news of your passing came out I've had the feeling that you're not actually gone, that you're still with us.
    Your time on this earth may have been short but i think that you came to do what you had to.
    Rest well Reita.
    Love you, M


  • from Fatima

    Reita, desde que recib? la noticia de tu partida, todas las noches he mirado al cielo y la luna busc?ndote en ellos.

    Reita, contin?a vi?ndonos desde el cielo.

    Cuida de nosotros los fans y cuida de todos los miembros de the GazettE.
    Muchas gracias por la m?sica, por la felicidad y todo el amor que nos diste.
    Por favor descansa, nunca apartes la mirada del amor que tenemos por ti.

    Un beso al cielo para ti, la estrella m?s brillante.

    Ride forever, rocker.

    Te amo para siempre.


  • from りさ












  • from Kassandra Lopez

    Dear: Reita
    Thank you for being boren and for your beautiful light you will never be forgotten because someone that gave so much love can never be forgotten you will live on within me and everyone that loved you dearly. You help me so much and watching you perform was mesmerizing the tears won't stop how can i let you go. But thank you for helping me when I was in a dark place
    You are a legend my Reita Happy birthday! Please stay close missing you only gets harder.


  • from selena

    Reita I wanted to tell you first happy birthday and then I wanted to tell you you don't even imagine how much your presence has helped me all these years know one thing that I will continue to follow the group despite everything I wish you a happy birthday despite the distance, I miss you a lot, I hope that where you are you are well 🙏🏻❤️ I love you forever ❤️


  • from Seth

    We will miss you so much, Reita. Thank you for the happy moments, for making all of us smile... Thank you for everything. You will always be in everyone's heart.
    Rest in peace, Reita. We will always remember you.


  • from Diana

    Me siento muy afortunada de haber conocido este grupo, realmente amé verte en el escenario, era realmente increíble, fuiste una figura que inspiro a muchos, tu talento y el de los chicos fue notado incluso en el otro extremo del mundo No importa cuanto tiempo pase siempre estarás en el corazón de todos nosotros y serás recordado, nuestro amado miembro eterno ✨ Sigue rockeando en donde quiera que te encuentres, aquí nosostros seguiremos apoyando a este grupo que tanto quisiste, es una promesa🖤


  • from María Teresa O.

    Reita, it has been a while since you are no longer physically with us, however, there is no day when I do not remember you. Thank you very much for all the amazing moments. Happy birthday, Reita! Keep rocking forever. Really, thank you very much for your hard work, Reita. Until always.


  • from Julisa 💜

    Reita, may you rest but keep rocking on! You have inspired future artists and many of your fans to pursue music as their passion. The love and effort you brought to the Gazette has never gone unnoticed!! You were a lovely and dedicated member. You will forever be missed. You are completely loved always. I have been a fan for 18 years in the U.S. You have impacted so many. Much love to you, your family and the Gazette family.


  • from タツ






  • from Aaron Ac

    Always love your energy and rocking the song so freaking awesome! Definitely I'm gonna miss you and your playing and music will always be part of my life.

    Thank you Reita-san, rest in peace.

    Love from Malaysia


  • from Sherlyn

    Dear Reita-san,

    How are you doing? I hope the LIVE made you smile! A lot of us around the world were watching and thinking of you, even if we couldn't be there physically.

    And of course, Happy Birthday Reita! As the members said, we'll celebrate it every year. Please continue to watch over the members, staff and sixth guns. We love you!

    the Gazette will last forever, as 5 people. WE ROCK!


  • from Mari 🐧

    親愛なるレイタ、どこにいても、元気になってほしい。あなたが生きている間、素晴らしい仕事をしたことを知ってください、ザ・ガゼットは私たちと同じくらいあなたを恋しく思うでしょう。 愛情を込めて、マリ 🇧🇷


  • from @fckpotatochips

    Best bassist and support to everyone, even to fans. Talented and pure intentions. You will forever be in our hearts. Rest in Power! Rock on forever 🤟


  • from goose

    it always hurts when someone we care for goes where we can't follow, but with you especially, there's an ache that doesn't want to leave.

    though our time together was cut much shorter than either of us would have liked, i look back on the time that i've been able to enjoy your music with fondness. i will never forget you, the first time i saw one of your videos, or the many moments i've been in awe over your immense talent. i'll continue to listen in your honor. thank you. you did well.


  • from Bea

    From the bottom of my heart i just want to say thank you! For being an inspiration to so many people all over the world, for all the work you've put into GazettE, for all the smiles and joy you brought to us! I promise i will keep loving GazettE with all my heart, forever. I'm sorry i didn't get to say this to you in person but i'm sure all the beautiful messages from everyone will reach you today. May you rock the heavens as you rocked the world!今までありがとうございます! You will be dearly missed ❤️


  • from Pauline

    Dearest REITA,

    For the 20 years that I have been listening to the GazettE, your talent, energy, and passion have deeply touched my life. You created unforgettable memories, and those moments will live on in our hearts forever. Thank you for everything you gave to us. Your spirit will continue to shine through the GazettE.

    Rest in peace, knowing you will never be forgotten. We will honor your memory by supporting the band and cherishing the moments we shared.

    With love and gratitude,


  • from Alex

    Reita you are the member in The Gazette forever!!! No one can replace you! Hope the GazettE can bring us more good music and live forever!


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