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May 27(Mon)12:00〜 June 26(Wed)23:59

  • from Yungxjcn

    Happy Birthday REITA-SAN I miss you so much my great inspiration I will always remember you. 🤍🙏🏻 I love you have a good trip maybe in another life if I get to see him play live. 🥀


  • from misa

    Este mundo não será o mesmo sem você, reita. Sentimos muito a sua falta! Você é amado por muitas pessoas. Obrigado por tudo que você fez por nós!


  • from Belen Román

    Parte 2: Reita era nuestro todo, por el comencé amar el bajo y por el comencé a tocarlo, para el 2019 cuando vinieron a Chile solo quería poder estar en el meet and great pero mi dinero no era suficiente, solo quería abrazar a Reita y decirle lo mucho que lo admiraba y amo, la noticia de tu partida me dolió en el alma, tengo un altar para ti en mi casa dónde cada 15 prendere una vela para alumbrar tu camino, gracias por la persona maravillosa que fuiste, siempre en nuestros corazones Reita


  • from Kyle S.

    Thank you for everything you have done, the art you helped create has had a major impact on me over the last 15 years. The connections and friendships I have made thanks to the Gazette and the Japanese music scene as a whole is something I will treasure for the rest of my life. Rest in Peace Reita! "This soul can never die"


  • from Belen Román

    Voy a dejar mi mensaje en español para que sepan que desde uno de los lugares más lejanos del mundo, Reita era amado.Te escribo desde Chile un país al otro lado del continente, dónde ustedes nos visitaron en el año 2013 y en el 2019, ocasión donde fui enormemente feliz en dos ocasiones, donde compartí con amigos y quien es hoy en día mi pareja o mi novio.Verlos en vivo fue un sueño hecho realidad y más ver a Reita, ya que por el conoci a the Gazette, parte 1


  • from JordanVRocK

    Hola viejo... Me acompañaste desde el inicio, ahí estuviste y nunca pasaste desapercibido para mí. Uno de los mejores y con más estilo, realmente te extrañaremos amigo.


  • from shin



  • from Amélia

    Gazette m'a énormément aidé dans ma vie depuis plus de 10 ans et Reita fait partie de ce que je suis aujourd'hui, je remercie l'univers pour son existence et son énergie. Je n'arrive pas à concevoir qu'il ne soit plus. Reita merci pour tout, pour Gazette, pour tout ce que tu es et ce que tu as fait. Je ne t'ai vu que 3 fois en live à Paris mais tu me manques comme si je te connaissais. Je ne comprends pas qu'il en soit ainsi. Merci pour tout Reita. WE ROCK


  • from Bruna A.

    Obrigada por existir, Reita. Sua música, sua arte, seu carinho pelos fãs jamais serão esquecidos. Onde quer que esteja, fique bem. Vou continuar te admirando daqui. Te amo!


  • from Vladimír Jirsák

    The GazettE has been my most favorite band for a while now and Reita has been a great part of it why the GazettE is so phenomenal. He was there from the very start and the fact that we lost him is still an heavy hitter. Thank you for everything. Your dying wish shall not die, because this soul can never die...


  • from ぷみ



  • from Saraimey

    From the bottom of my heart, I wish that the GazettE remains the band that Reita worked so hard for. May his memory be an impulse to continue even in these dark days, where there is no way out. And just as I was blessed to have met them in the hardest moment of my life, I am sure that more young people will be able to fall in love with their songs with the same strength and shelter their sorrows in each letter.

    Happy birthday, れいたさん


  • from みゆ

    昨日の豊洲PITでれいたさんの場所にマイクがあったり、ベースソロでルキさんの「on BASS! REITA!」の言葉と、その後にスポットライトが当たったり、春雪の頃でお立ち台の所で横並びになった時にれいたさんの場所が空いていたり、色んなタイミングでれいたさんを感じられました。
    the GazettEは5人だと、れいたさんに変わるベースはいないというメンバーさんの気持ちが嬉しかったです。
    そして私はやっぱりそんな最高にカッコイイ5人のthe GazettEを愛してます。
    今までもこれから先も一生 5人のthe GazettEを愛し、SIXGUN'Sとして着いて行く事を誓います。
    We Rock


  • from kenma

    Happy Birthday, Reita♡ Everything feels unreal without you, but what gives me comfort is knowing one day we all are going to meet each other again… I can’t thank you enough for all the strength you and the GazettE bring me, you’ll always be loved. Forever in my heart, x


  • from Y



  • from Sam

    The reason I picked up the 4-String. Your playing will always influence my play style and my writing. May you rest in power, eternally.


  • from Letícia

    Feliz aniversário Reita(⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠) Obrigado por ser uma inspiração para mim, eu posso não ser um fã mais hardcore que existe, mas sempre que eu escuto as músicas do The Gazzette, eu sinto minha alma vibrar, eu definitivamente não sou bom em expressar meus sentimentos em palavras mas eu garanto que o pouco que eu falo é repleto de sinceridade e gratidão. Enquanto eu viver espero ser capaz de realizar seu desejo junto com os outros fãs que também o amam, obrigado por tudo. Com muito amor para Reita♡


  • from Francisca Olivares

    Reita, todo el fandom latino te extrañará y te recordará con mucho amor. Para varios Gazette fue una luz al final del camino, una motivación para salir adelante y superar los obstáculos. Siempre estarás en mi corazón- Besos al cielo.


  • from Teri

    Thank you for every bit of happiness. You are a star that will always shine and I'll follow it forever, because it always leads me to the light. Shine bright.


  • from Kei

    I really can't find any words to say as you, Reita have helped me with a lot and through out the years I was hoping one day I could meet you and thank you. Funny enough you inspired my look for a long time back in 2006 and thats when I first started composing music. Between you and Aoi, you guys helped shaped me into the musician I am today from Shadow VII II I to Invisible Wall. Thank you so much for every thing Reita, rest easy you've earned it forever. Yeah!!!


  • from Kelton

    Thank you for always being the light in this life as dark as things can get. Always there to make the fans smile and I'm sure one of the best friends the band has ever had. A legendary bassist with a heart of gold. We'll miss you Reita. Thank you so much for all you've given us, you won't be forgotten. An eternal member forever, you'll always be there for us in Spirit. We love you.


  • from るい



  • from 青

    You were, are and always will be larger than life. Happy birthday with much love.


  • from ~C!~

    I listened to your music for quite a while. I'm saddened that I'll never meet you Reitaさん, but this leaves space for that in the after life, as for now, relax and take it easy because the fans will be with you soon. Your music helped me through tough times, and it continues to do so... Happy birthday! Love from the Great White North (Canada)


  • from Fox 🦊

    Yo, Reita san Happy Birthday to one of the best humans I had the honor to meet. 🎂🥳 Thank you for showing us the strength of friendship, always making us laugh, and keeping us amused during lives. Don’t worry, we will keep your dream alive, so watch over us with a smile. You are our only bassist and we will miss you forever and always. Ruki, Uruha, Aoi, Kai, your Six Guns will continue to support you through this. Together we will make his last wish come true. Feel the social hug. We Rock 🤘🏻


  • from Sanovia


    It's still surreal that you physically are not here anymore but I know you've reached new heights as a truly eternal Rockstar. You are the King of Bassists, the mood maker even still. Thank you for your final words that have given me strength. When I'm unsure I go back to what you said and look forward to a future with The GazettE in it. All 5 of you. Forever. We will love you forever, eternal Rockstar. GazeRock is not Dead. It can never die


  • from Wong Shuk Man

    I’m a fan from Hong Kong 🇭🇰I’m so glad I have a chance to meet you and your members during my hard time of studying abroad in England. Otherwise I will never meet you guys in person. Now I also think that this is sort of a destiny that you and me, we're bound to be together. the Gazette gives me so much love and hope I still feel grateful from my bottom of my heart. Even now I close my eyes I can see you. the Gazette forever. With you I feel right at home.


  • from Kelly

    I don’t have the word for it, the only thing I can do is watching you playing during lives and listening The Gazette’s songs. You are the first bassist that I started to admire that made me realize how important the bass is and how it can bring so much emotions, Reita from the bottom of my heart I want to say thank you. Thank you for being part of the band, for worrying about us your fans, remember we are friends. Don’t worry we’ll protect you, you saved me. The band made you a good party


  • from Coni Brombley

    Dear Reita-san, thank you for 18 years of music and rock. Your existence was everything to me, you and the band save my life in uncountable times. You inspire me as a professional and as person. Would you be watching us? I feel lucky to be capable of meet you two times in Chile I'll be waiting for our next time.
    For the rest of the Gazette: Ruki, Aoi, Uruha and Kai, thanks for be the light in the shadows and for be my inspiration through the hard times. Let's move on together ad family.


  • from 浮雲

    the GazettEの曲で初めて聴いた「紅蓮」。その歌詞、音、世界観に胸を打たれた時のことを何年経っても昨日のように思い出します。
    他の方に比べると私はthe GazettEに出会ったのは遅い方だと思います。けれどどの曲を聴いてもthe GazettEの音楽はいつも新しく、初めて出会うより前からずっと昔から好きだったんだと思えるようでした。
    the GazettEの音楽はいつでも「5人」で作られた隔絶されたひとつのジャンルであり、唯一無二のものだと思っています。その考えはこの先もずっと変わりません。

    the GazettEに出会えて、その中にあなたがいて、本当に良かった。
    the GazettEはいつまでも、5人で永遠です。



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