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May 27(Mon)12:00〜 June 26(Wed)23:59

  • from Mako

    Even now, my mind can't comprehend it. It can't be true. I wouldn't be here without GazettE. I kept fighting so I could see you again. So how is it that I'm still here, but you're not? It's wrong... I remember seeing you up front and center playing your bass the last time you were in Toronto. I cherish that memory the most. I was too shy to talk to you properly during the meet and greet. I'm sorry. I'll try harder the next time we meet, someday far in the future. We miss you, Reita. Rest well.


  • from Laisha Ariel

    REITA! HAPPY BIRTHDAY🎉 Gracias Por Ser El Mejor Bajista Para The Gazette Te Amo Y Te Amare Por Siempre ❤️ I Miss You The Gazette Forever 🖤


  • from Karina 🇲🇽

    There is so much to say, but it is difficult to get started. I made you a promise and I am going to keep it, I once heard that people are still present as long as they are not forgotten and it is a fact that I will never forget you, I will not be sad to remember you because I know that you would not like that, now the bass has a meaning greatest for me, you will forever be the best bassist, Reita san.


  • from Sandy

    Reita, thank you for being a part of The GazettE that I love dearly. Thank you for being a light in my life. I promise to love and support The GazettE for all of my life. Rest in an everlasting peace ♥


  • from ミミ

    れいたさん 今まで沢山の場所に連れて行ってくれて、最高の景色を見せてくれてありがとうございます。辛い時期も悲しい時もいつでもガゼットさんに救われて、ここまで生きてこれました。


  • from Natalia Rocha

    My dear Reita... Thank you so much, for saving so many lives (mine include!) through your music with The GazettE! You'll be forever remembered by all of us fans! Your legacy will be eternal! I Hope u can find peace, wherever u are now! Thank you for EVERYTHING!


  • from あーちゃん⋈*.。

    𝕏 では気が動転していて感謝を上手く伝えられなくてごめんなさい。私の1番不安定だった思春期を支えてくれてありがとう。あなたのおかげで友達や、かけがえのない思い出、沢山の良い景色をプレゼントしてもらいました。 昨日のお誕生日はどんな景色でしたか? いつかまた、落ち着いた頃にお礼とまたねを言いにライブに行かせてください。それまで@れいたの嫁のつもりです。


  • from ab1816


    the GazettEを好きになって10数年、ライブは怖くてなかなか行けませんでした。夫に誘われ初めてライブに行ったのがMASSツアーの札幌でした。武道館もいけました。優しいファンの皆さんで溢れていました。


    れいたさんが愛したthe GazettEは永遠です


  • from R.

    れいたさんとthe GazettEと出会って20年以上経ちます。数え切れない程の幸せと喜びそして悲しみも含めて分かちあってきたと思ってます。
    わたしの人生を大きく変えてくれたれいたさんやメンバー、そしてthe GazettEを通じて出会った友達もずっと大切にします。
    the GazettEは永遠ですもんね。愛してます。


  • from nex

    You’ll forever be such a huge inspiration, thank you so much for everything. Please rest easy. <3


  • from Yu


    the GazettE、そしてシーンを代表するベーシストとして、これまで本当にありがとうございました。

    the GazettEが永遠であるよう繋いでいきます!


  • from Michelle

    Reita catch my attention from the first time in 2012. If I hadn't seen Reita I might never have listen about of Gazette.
    Thank you for everything!! Love you!


  • from kako



  • from Paulina from Poland

    Reitaさんどもありがとうございました。It's not easy to find the right words today but I want to thank you with love for everything. We love and support all amazing 5 of you and we always will. Your music, your personality, your talent, passion and love will always be in our hearts. You really create a safe, inspiring place for all us. GAZEROCK IS NOT DEAD! We promise to make your wish come true. I hope one day I will also make my dream come true and go to the gazette's live and I know that you will also be there


  • from Ana 🇧🇷

    A vida é tão breve... Aprendemos a amar, sorrir, andar, falar, Mas não aprendemos a não sofrer. Você fará muita falta.


  • from Caritu U.

    Happy birthday Reita! You and all the members of The GazettE have accompanied a large part of many people's lives (including me). You have given us joy, company, you have been a support and helped us vent our sorrows as well. We will always miss you, but we will be supporting and loving The GazettE until the end. You and all the guys at The GazettE are and will be loved forever ❤ 💖 We will miss you forever and you will always be with us! 💖


  • from える

    学生時代にthe GazettEに出会えた事で
    今後もthe GazettEは永遠だと思ってます


  • from Imane Loubani

    Joyeux anniversaire Reita. Je suis si triste de ne pas avoir pu te voir un jour en France. Tu as été l'une de mes références en tant que musicienne et je voulais tellement te ressembler en tant que bassiste. Je continuerais à soutenir le groupe et tu sera toujours présent dans nos cœurs. Merci à toi de m'avoir fait aimer la musique et la basse Je t'aime Reita à jamais dans nos mémoires 💛


  • from 樹流

    私が辛かった時期を救ってくれたのはthe GazettEでした。



  • from Flitti

    So, what should I write? It still feels like a nightmare and I still can't believe it.
    Every day is hard and won't get better. Since the last World Tour I wanted so bad to see you all again but now it will never happen.
    You will always be a part of us and please take care of your guys.
    Miss you so much.


  • from zeli

    Reita, happy birthday. I still feel you present here, and I know that you are with us, your effort will never be forgotten, and neither will your great talent. You are a person that I admire a lot and you live in the hearts of all fans. Gazette will always be a group of 5 people, for all eternity ❤️‍🩹.


  • from Elodie

    Reita, toi et the GazettE faites partie de ma vie depuis si longtemps. Je vous ai connus à vos début et j'ai grandi en vous écoutant. Votre musique m'a sauvé plus d'une fois. Je suis triste que tu ne sois plus là, je n'ose pas imaginer la douleur que c'est pour ta famille et les membres du groupe. Tu es un bassiste génial, je suis heureuse que ta musique ai pu toucher autant de gens, et elle continuera encore longtemps de me faire vibrer. the GazettE est éternel <3 Merci


  • from Ana Carolina Aquino

    I guess no amunt of words could express my feelings and gratitude for all that you, Reita, and GazettE have done for me. It honestly goes beyond words. I was only able to see a GazettE concert 2 times in Brazil, but both of those times are still some of the happiest moments of my entire life. Thank you so much for always being here for me when no one else were, for being my friend when no one else was, for being the family I could never have. I'll keep your memory alive forever in my heart.


  • from Taka

    Dear Reita,
    Thank you for the incredible work you've done. You probably can't even imagine how many people you've inspired, helped them getting through their worst times or just simply made them smile. You changed lifes.
    Thank you for saving and changing mine.
    The GazettE will last forever.
    We'll always miss you.


  • from まゆ

    れいた 今までも、これからも、ずーっと大好きだよ。世界一かっこいい最高のベーシスト。ライブの時は絶対に絶対に毎回戻ってくるんだよ!みんなれいたのこと大好きだからね!


  • from やす



  • from Nicole

    Happy Birthday, Reita.

    Thank you for everything until now. I hope you're rocking out whereever you are. We all miss and love you. <3


  • from Catarina 🇵🇹 🇬🇧

    (ちょっと日本語で書いてみます〜日本語は難しいです) 2011年8月31日、the GazettEのファンになった日。 PVを見て、「面白いな」 れいたさんの姿を見て、「ガゼットのことをもっと知りたい」 って思いました。 REITAさん、 いつも私を笑顔にしてくれて、笑わせてくれて、いつも私の一日を明るくしてくれてありがとう。 ステージの上で 一番輝いていました ✨ ベースラインも、音も、パフォーマンスも、ステージ上の燃えるような情熱は見る者を魅了しました。 そして、REITAさんのおかげでベースを弾くきっかけになりました。 本当に幸せ者です。 やっぱりREITAさんが一番かっこよかったです。 REITAさんが願っていた永遠をみんなと一緒に叶えてみせます。 海外から これからもthe GazettEを応援し続けたいと思います。 the GazettE大好きです。 REITAさん生まれてきてくれてありがとう。 Obrigada por tudo! ❤️ Thank you for everything! お疲れ様でした。どうか安らかでありますように。 愛してます。


  • from From Hotaru 🇦🇷💙🤍

    Rei-san you left too young, now you have become a very bright big star. In this world you shined too much with your beautiful smile and personality and perhaps that is why God wanted to take you so that you could shine from heaven and take care of the gazette and so that the boys would not get lost in their paths.We will always remember you as that fun boy you were and you will always live in everyone's hearts.Every time I look up at the sky and I see a star shining brightly, I will know its you



    Hola reitita Sama feliz cumpleaños Sabes me duele tu partida esto no lo esperaba Deverdad desde el día que te conocí le diste luz y vida a mi vida y corazón,amo tu habilidad y tu forma de tocar el bajo eso siempre prevalecerá Que siempre vivirás en mis recuerdos, mente y corazón Te cumpliré la promesa que te dije el día de tu partida aprenderé a tocar el bajo te lo prometo Ntp por the gazette yo los cuidare y apoyaré siempre Gazerock note dead yo seré six guns forever ❤️🇲 AI SHITERU REITA


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