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May 27(Mon)12:00〜 June 26(Wed)23:59

  • from Pieta

    れいたさん、お元気ですか。私はずっとthe GazettEを聴いていました。辛い時も幸せな時も、いつもthe GazettEを聴いていました。the GazettEとれいたさんが本当に大好きです。本当にありがとうございました。
    約束だよ! 指切りげんまん 』
    Like you, we will always keep rocking. Just watch us. The GazettE will always be five members. Let's meet once again in the future concerts!
    I miss you so so so much.


  • from Alestair K.

    The day I got to meet you was the happiest day of my life. It doesn't feel real that you're gone, but you're not truly gone. You'll live on through the GazettE and the music you helped create. You'll live on in the hearts of all of your fans. Thank you for making music that has touched my heart so deeply. Thank you for saving my life, I was too nervous to tell you that in person when I met you, so now's my chance. Happy birthday Reita 🎂, GazeRock is not dead! 🤟


  • from Juliana

    Feliz aniversário no céu, nosso querido Reita! Deixaste uma linda marca em nossos corações. Você viverá sempre em nós.


  • from Alexia

    Dear Reita,
    You really are an amazing person and I am grateful to have lived during the same time as you. Inspiring so many people with your talent and pushing us to try our best. Forgetting you is impossible and you will always be a part of me. Thank you for your hard work.


  • from Jenn L

    Thank you for always being so breathtakingly, honestly, you.
    You were the ever present heartbeat that kept so many of us going. We will never forget the impact you had on our lives.
    Though you are gone from this physical plane of existence, your soul will continue to shine and rock on until the end of forever.
    May you find peace, wherever you are.


  • from Colleen

    Happy birthday Reita!

    It's weird to be thinking about you but you not being here anymore. Meeting you at a meet and greet once and seeing just how excited you were is one of my most cherished memories. You and The GazettE will always be something so precious to me because you not only helped to get me through one of the darkest times in my life but you also reignited my love of writing.

    We miss you.


  • from Mely Mtz

    Reita, you will always be in my heart and others. I think about you everyday, wondering how you are. Yet i know i’ll never get an answer. I can only hope you’re at peace. Thank you for everything. The Gazette will last forever. 💕


  • from Des

    Happy birthday, Reita! It's been a huge honor to be able to a fan and witness to your music. Thank you so much for everything that you have given us, and I hope that you can feel all the love that we'll give to you, forever and always.

    I hope you rest well, legend.


  • from Saint

    Happy belated birthday, Reita.

    It is still difficult for me to process what really happened, and even harder to find the right words to describe how I'm feeling. You were - and still are - an inspiration to many. You and your bandmates are people that have managed to pull others from the deepest pits of their personal hells.
    It's a shame we did not get to meet in this life, but let's hope that we'll see each other in the next.

    With love,
    Saint, one of the many comforted by The GazettE.


  • from Natasha

    Thank you for the joy and happiness that you have given me and the rest of your fans. I am saddened to know that I will never get to see your beautiful smile on stage but I know your presence will always be watching over every performance the GazettE has from now on. Please continue to watch over us Reita. We all love and miss you so much. Thank you for everything you have done for us. Forever five. ♡


  • from Sher

    REITAさん おめでとう🎉 Thank you for being part of a band that helped me through a lot. I'm forever grateful for The GazettE. I hope you rest in peace.


  • from Vayha S.

    Happy belated birthday Reita. No words can express how much I miss you. Everytime I listen to the gazette, I always think of you and how awesome and cool you are. When I first heard about you guys, I became hooked on your music. You're the reason why I learned to play the bass and are my inspiration. I wish there was a way to bring you back, I always wanted to meet you and the crew but now I won't able to. Reita, I want to meet you one day on the other side ok? Much love. ?


  • from Nali

    Happy birthday reita! ♡♡♡ I'm a bit late I'm sorry ;w;). I miss you a lot, but I hope you are doing well. I made an artwork for you too! Hehe Despite feeling empty, I will forever support The Gazette! Thank you for the amazing music, it was an experience. ♡ Don't worry about us oki? Take care.


  • from Rebeca CD

    Hola! No se si es porque somos de la misma edad o porque no he tenido la oportunidad de ver a The GazettE en directo pero tu partida me ha tocado demasiado. Se que donde estés seguirás velando por los tuyos y por la música, esa música que nos acompaña, esa música que nos da vida, y será esta la que nos siga guiando como tú querías. Espero que todas estas muestras de amor te den paz y te iluminen. Feliz cumpleaños. Un abrazo para todos.


  • from Violet Powell

    Goodbye Reita.

    You and the Gazette were one of the first visual kei bands I ever listened to, and your impact you and your music have had on my life means alot to me. It saddens me I will never get to see you live. You will be missed by many.

    ありがとう ございます


  • from Thomas Bileygr Testi

    You were the first visual kei band I ever listened to. I will never forget how impressed I was by 'Dogma.' Thank you, The Gazette. Thank you, Reita. May you rest in peace.


  • from M.

    Dear Reita,

    It’s been a choc, profound pain and a very solemn moment when I learnt about your passing.

    The Gazette was a big part of my youth, especially the aesthetic - of which you were a great part. Moreover, it is still a great part of my adult life and I will always be grateful to you and the band for the great music ; a catharsis for my soul.

    The words are missing. Probably because pain is still there somewhere, but it will always be ephemeral. Your legacy, on the contrary, is eternal.


  • from morrigan

    Back in 2010, when I had no clue what vkei was, a video of you playing made me feel the urge to know more about you. That's how I became a fan of The Gazette, and how I discovered a genre which became dearly to me. I wished for a long time to see you, your band live someday. But time flies fast, dreadingly so. I might never be able to see you anymore, but I hope you know that you will always be loved and remembered, Reita.


  • from マリエル

    Muchas gracias por inspirarnos a tantas personas. the GazettE significa mucho para mí, ha formado parte importante de mi vida, motivándome a seguir creando. Todo esto es una gran pérdida, pero no es una despedida definitiva. Hasta pronto, Reita-san, tu legado continúa con nosotros。 おんがくをほんとにありがとうございました。 メキシコからこんにちは


  • from Dell 9

    Las palabras no son suficientes para expresar todo el amor y cariño que tengo por ti. Ha pasado el tiempo y aún sigo buscando tu presencia, pero solo queda tu recuerdo querido... Eres y serás siempre mi inspiración, una figura a seguir y alguien a quien querer. Tu memoria y recuerdos serán apreciados por el resto de la historia. Seguiré apoyando a The GazettE con mi alma, pues tal como lo dijiste, The GazettE seguirá creciendo. ☆ WE ROCK!! ☆ D.E.P Reita ♥️🌌 Te quiero ♡ I miss U so much.


  • from Aether/空

    Happy (late) Birthday, Reita ! 🌹✨ I hope you're doing great wherever you are. We miss you a lot, we miss your smile and energy, your hard work and happiness. We love you dearly, you're and always be an amazing bassist that have made, you and the band, lots of people's childhood, including mine. Rest well, eternal The GazettE's bassist, Reita. The GazettE is forever.


  • from Flau

    Reita, i remember the first time i listened to The gazette, you always have been my favorite, for 16 years.
    You were my inspiration to become a bassist, i will always remember you as one of my heroes.
    I truly hope you are better now, we will never forget you, gazerock is not DEAD.
    You are a legend.
    Farewell, Reita.


  • from Mela☆

    Grief is just love with nowhere to go.
    All your family, your friends and fans are missing you.

    "They that love beyond the world cannot be separated from it.
    Death cannot kill what never dies.
    Nor can spirits ever be divided, that love and live in the same divine principle, the root and record of their friendship.
    If absence be not death, neither is theirs.
    Death is but crossing the world, as friends do the seas;
    They live in one another still."

    William Penn, More Fruits of Solitude


  • from shiro

    Thank you for everything REITA, you're work and art will be remembered for years and years to come! I love you very much, please rest in peace... you've done well.


  • from Ishtar

    Thank you Reita for being a part of the Gazette. You rock in heaven now. May the Moon and stars guide you into another dimension, were you will meet The Gazette and your Fans again.


  • from Rose

    I was way too young to listen to the Gazette when I was 6 years old but with unlimited access to the internet and unsupervised, I found the band that made me fall in love with vkei. Thank you for being a huge part of my life from childhood all the way to adulthood.


  • from Gehenna

    Happy Birthday my king Reita-san. You and the members have been an inspiration and a driving force in my life, I feel so much gratitude for you. You saved my life when I found the GazettE and I owe it to you. Your memory will forever live on In my heart, I hope to meet you in another life the GazettE is forever. Farewell.


  • from Anna

    You will always be a great inspiration to me. It still doesn’t seem real yet. I treasure all the happiness you bought me as part of the gazette and hearing your laughter. Your memory lives on in the music and our hearts.

    Soar high always.


  • from Aleesi

    I was 17 when I started listening to The Gazette, now I’m 33, even though I don’t personally know Reita, but my pain is indescribable from the loss of him. I still don’t believe it, every day I think it was a bad dream. The gazette forever, Reita in the heart forever! ❤️ From Aleesi


  • from Adam Swift

    Over 20 years of listening to The GazettE.
    You have all made such a difference in my life, stay strong.


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