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May 27(Mon)12:00〜 June 26(Wed)23:59

  • from Elsie

    Thank you. I owe you so much. I don't know where I'd be without you, if I hadn't discovered your music.
    You inspired me to start playing bass guitar and it changed my life for the better. I recently learnt a few GazettE songs in honour of you - no one can play them like you though, your talent was truly special.
    Sometimes I like to look up at the sky and think of you, I like to imagine that you're smiling down at us all. We miss you endlessly, Reita... I hope you're at peace now.


  • from Mélissa



  • from Vinicius Cravo

    Thank you for being with me on the best days of my life.
    I will always miss you very much.


  • from Kiare

    Happy Birthday REITA, and thank you for the gift of your artistry, your music, and your talent. Thank you for creating a space for me and happier memories. It was a long journey and you worked hard, please be happy and rest well. The stars are brighter now with you among them. We'll work hard so that The Gazette lasts forever. I hope we can meet in the next life, but for now, watch over us fondly. Much love from a soul all the way in NYC. Forever supporting The Gazette.


  • from Shanna

    Thank you for make awesome music. The Gazette forever.


  • from Con

    Hey there.. i am from Germany so pardon me if i make any mistakes in english ...theGazettE was always a big part of my life since i first heard you guys.. i adore every member in their own way heart is in pieces but i'll keep going just like theGazettE will My biggest regret is that i could never see you live.. You are and will be missed but not forgotten Be safe wherever you are now... maybe we can meet in another life


  • from Nami

    Hi dear Reita,
    I just want to leave a message for you. I hope you're having a good time up there. We miss you so much down here, it's still difficult to believe.
    Please, take care of your bandmates, your family and your fans. You were, you are and you always will be loved by us all. Thank you for existing, you have been fundamental to many of us. You are a legend and we will NEVER forget you.

    We love you, Reita.


  • from Tate

    Reita, you and the GazettE will be eternal and especially in my heart.

    It pains me that I didn't have the chance to see you personally but someday, somewhere I'll be able to meet you.

    Until then look after your members, rest in peace and fly high! Thank you for everything, ly <3


  • from Christina D.L.

    You're still here.
    I know it.

    When I feel the wind blow through my hair.
    When I see the stars sparkle in the sky.
    When the moon is so mesmerizing I can't stop looking at it.
    When I feel the warm sun beams on my skin.
    When gentle rain falls down from the sky.

    I know you're here.
    The soft singing of the birds
    The silence during early morning hours
    The rustling of the leaves
    Your name echoes inside my mind
    Your voice echoes in my heartbeart

    You're here.
    You did not die.



  • from Герман

    Спасибо за творчество, старик. Здоровья и сил твоим близким. Покойся с миром. Sayonara...


  • from Melissa C Hernandez

    Dear REITA, Your input into the world through your musical talents will never go unnoticed 🖤🤍 I remember being around 19 years of age when I first heard the GazettE and instantly fell in love with the unique sounds you all brought into this world! You will be missed eternally though your legacy will live on in everyone's heart, soul and of course through your music. Hope you are rocking out in the afterlife the way you always have! Rest In Peace Regal One🕊️


  • from Tonan


    There are no words that can express the love, respect and admiration I have for you and the other members of the band. Thank you very much for always being there for me in the most difficult moments of my life in these 12 years of knowing you, so I promise you that we will do everything possible to protect and make your last wish possible.

    Remember that you always were and continue to be a legend, please rest in peace and let's meet again in the next life.

    We rock!


  • from J♤

    Thank you for being a part of my life. The GazettE's music helped me through my darkest times. Thank you for being someone I could look up to when growing up. You disappeared from this world way too soon. I've never met you but I already miss you a lot. You were a precious soul. I hope you only feel peace and happiness now because you deserve it. Rest in peace our bass legend ♡


  • from Tommy Nguyen

    Thank you for being one of the most coolest dudes to have ever existed during my time! You were such a huge influence for me growing up! I did my hair like yours in the 2000s! I hope we can meet someday in heaven. I love you Reita, I hope you rest in peace dear angel! ~ (。・ω・。)ノ♡


  • from Hailey

    Dear Reita,

    You left us so soon but impacted the world for over a decade. I was literally a kid when I found the Gazette and now I’m an adult still admiring your music. I started playing the bass guitar because of you! Your presence will be missed but your legacy will continue on. Rest well. I miss you.


  • from Eli

    We miss you Reita! You’ll always be GAZETTE’s bassist <3


  • from alina

    when I think of you, I place my hand on my heart because I know it is the only place you still exist and will eternally live in. You will forever be the bassist in the GazettE. Nobody could take your place. I miss you, reita. I look up in the sky and know you're there. As the brightest star, in a better place. May you rest easy. I will remember you forever and I will love you forever, reita. ♡


  • from nan

    Espero que estés encontrando paz donde sea que te encuentres, que estés descansado. ✨ Espero que siempre hayas sentido en tus fans ese amor incondicional que les teníamos. Gracias por habernos compartido una parte de tu vida. Gracias por el legado que dejas, te convertiste en una leyenda que jamás se apagará. Estoy muy agradecido de haber coincidido en este universo contigo. Gazerock is not dead! <3 We rock. 🤟🏻


  • from Mori

    Still can't comprehend that you're gone. You've impacted my life from when I was just starting to discover who I was, to even now. The GazettE has a special place in my heart, and I'll do all I can to help keep your dream going. The GazettE forever, Reita forever!


  • from bella

    れいたさん、お誕生日おめでとうございます! Happy Birthday Reita! I’m from Australia, and never got to see you live, I’d do anything to get that opportunity again. It’s also been raining a lot here, I’d like to think its some sign of you. You have inspired so many and forever will. I’m relieved, you are at peace now. Thank you for all your art. Forever supporting you and the boys, love you, miss you always. 好きなの。会いたい 💕


  • from Brady

    The GazettE shaped me from a young age. I picked up guitar, bass, drums and writing songs all because of the GazettE. When I write bass I write with Reita in mind. Seeing the GazettE live during the Dogma world tour is one of my most cherished memories, and I'm happy I could shake Reitas's hand back then.

    Reita made bass cool for a generation of Visual kei fans and inspired us all. Thank you for everything.


  • from zai

    Thank you for being my biggest comfort since i was a kid, i could never ask for a better idol than you, Reita. I’m so happy and grateful that i got to discover your music in this lifetime, and meeting you is probably one of the best things that ever happened to me.
    I honestly just wanna thank you for everything i learned from you, i really admire you as an artist and as a person too.
    You will always have a place in my heart, and we'll make sure that the GazettE really lasts forever?


  • from Cherie

    You touched so many lives and through that you will forever live on in their hearts. I hope that when we smile at the thought of you, even through tears, you are able to feel it wherever you may be


  • from c.

    Thank you for everything you have done. You gave me comfort and strength - especially during one of the hardest years of my life. Your music soothed my heart making me feel less alone. All I had to do was think about you to feel stronger and able to face everything head-on. I feel lonely knowing that you are not with us anymore, and I will forever cherish what you gave me; comfort and happiness. Thank you, Reita. I love you.


  • from Kachan 🇦🇪🇿🇦

    Happy belated birthday Reita. I always rewatch the old lives. Even with you gone, I will always see you perform up stage where you were your happiest. You are the best bassist to me and always will be. I love you. ❤️ Please keep rocking, wherever you are.


  • from 水無月 (Minazuki)

    I've been fan since 2005 and I was so blessed to see you live 2 times. Thanks for everything.
    I will forever love you and support the Gazette from the bottom of my heart.


  • from Yue_sama1

    Reita, meine erste Nachricht ging wohl nicht durch. Daher versuche ich es noch einmal. Ich wünsche dir, dass du auf ewig das tun kannst was du liebst. Dass deine Freunde dich immer an ihrer Seite haben. Ich danke dir für jeden Moment den ich mit dir verbringen durfte. Und hoffe dass du dein Leben mit deinen Liebsten genießen konntest. Es ist schmerzhaft dich nicht mehr sehen zu können. Aber du bist ja immer noch da, auf der Bühne, in den Liedern. An der Seite deiner Familie die du gewählt hast.


  • from Lean

    Reita, feliz cumpleaños 💗 Te extrañamos mucho, fans desde todo el mundo lo hacen, pero tu esencia siempre quedará marcada. Siempre serás reconocido con el bajista de GazettE, como una persona que demostró la cantidad de talento que tenía, pero también la pasión y el amor por lo que hacías, ese amor que le tenías a tus fans y la emoción que sentías en cada concierto jamás se borrará de nuestras memorias. Fuiste un ídolo para muchísima gente y por siempre lo serás. Te amamos Reita, x100pre


  • from Lassi

    Thank you for everything, Reita.

    Fly high!

    Hey God, are you ready?


  • from Forever – Xio

    I have wondered of what I should write or how I should express myself. I found the GazettE during a very difficult and low point in my life. Listening to your music and integrating myself in the fanbase was one of the best decisions of my life and it has kept me going over the years. Okuribi will always be my favorite song and, even though it is painful to listen to, it brings me the best memories of those I’ve lost. You have become one of those people. Thank you for being a part of my life.


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