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May 27(Mon)12:00〜 June 26(Wed)23:59

  • from Ren 🇨🇵

    れいたさん今までありがとうございました。the Gazetteの音楽は僕の生活を変わりました。辛い時にthe Gazetteの音楽を聞いて、幸せの時も。初めからthe Gazetteの音が僕のそばにいる、永遠に。安らかに眠って、絶対れいたさんのこと忘れない、心から本当にありがとうございました


  • from Thamyres from 🇧🇷

    For countless nights, I've been praying to feel your presence in my heart and in the hearts of everyone else who couldn't bear the pain of missing you. I'm at ease noticing you became the epitome of "eternity" itself, deeply embedded in my heart. Thank you for every laugh and every time you encouraged me to be myself. Your very existence was a gift you shared with us, and I'll always carry it with me until the day we meet again. Rest well, for your soul and this band, will go on eternally!


  • from maca

    今まで言葉を見つからない。 愛している。また巡り逢えるよう。 Please take care of the GazettE and all of us. I will miss you until my last days.


  • from みのん



  • from bea 🦋 | 🇦🇷

    This days that had storms a friend who also loves the GazettE said as a joke that all the thunder's was probably REITA'S way to teach some Rock on heaven! Maybe for some it's a silly thing to say...but to me imagine that happen really made me laugh and smile❤ I think that's a way to feel a little better! that REITA keep that passion for music makes me want to keep carry on and don't throw away all that he gave and represented for everyone⭐ Hope this message board open in every REITA'S birthday⭐


  • from ケイ

    れいたさん、穏やかにすごしていますか? 今でも夢かと思うほど、ライブでの姿を何度も思い出しています。 れいたさんの存在は唯一無二です。 かっこいいガゼットを築いてくださって、本当にありがとうございます。 どうか、れいたさんがゆっくりお休みできますように。 そしてみんなを見守っていてくれたら嬉しいです。 ずっと、いつまでも忘れません。


  • from Hide from Mexico

    Dear REITA, every time I see the blue sky or the stars I think of you, of that warm smile and that energy that we all loved. I miss you so much my star but every time I see your pick bass it gives me the strength to move forward and take each step without hesitation. The GazettE will always be eternal, don't doubt it, you marked my life in a beautiful way, filling it with goals and dreams. Please take care of all of us until we see each... other again Thank you for everything REITA, my star ☆


  • from hide_deni 🤍

    Dear REITA, how have you been? Are you still rocking up there? Two months have passed and I have a hard time believing all this, thank you for being part of my life. Since I was little I have loved and admired you, I will never change those feelings I have for you, no matter how much time passes that will never change. Please, wherever you are, keep watching us. You will always have a special place in my heart, my only star. ☆ Thank you for everything REITA We will see each other again 🤍


  • from Andrea from 🇲🇽

    The GazettE will be eternal. ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ I promise to protect what you worked so hard for and walk with your brothers until the end. Thank you for everything you gave us in life, I hope you're resting and having fun with Koron. Don't forget to visit the Lives often. Until we meet again...❤️


  • from Andrea from 🇲🇽

    Rei, I will never forget the impression you made on me when I first discovered The GazettE, from your amazing sound, to your badass look- A true rock star. 🎸🤘 Now you have transcended & are a star in the universe. I think that every time I look at the sky, when I feel the breeze or when rain pours lightly. The Gazette has marked my life and so has your absence, but just as your music has guided and protected me for almost half of my life, now I will do the same for you & honor your last wish.


  • from Mizaki/Ve

    Por mais de uma década, comemorei nossos aniversários tão próximos. Graças ao seu talento, me apaixonei por rock pela primeira vez. Entendi que era trans por tanto admirá-lo, e mudei minha forma de viver após sua partida. Tatuarei-o para me lembrar de fazer o que amo, para não me arrepender de nada. O legado de Reita é maior do que a arte que ele nos deu de presente. Até o último dia, ele fez o que era apaixonado em fazer; Reita foi um dos maiores exemplos de vida que conheci. Rock In Peace.


  • from c-a-s-s-i-s

    「永遠」の始まりが早すぎたれいたさんに永遠の感謝を伝えたい。 私の心に美しい花を植えてくれた最高のベーシストです。 この心は今悲しすぎても、あの美しい思い出をずっと持ち続けている。れいたさんの綺麗な微笑みや綺麗な魂はいつまでも輝いている。 the Gazetteの音楽に何度も何度も救われた私の言葉がいつかあなたに届くことを願っています。 Hvala ti na svemu, vječno ću te pamtiti! ♥


  • from Bianca Akhidime

    I don't have the words to tell you just how much your artistry has made such a vast, profound impact on my life, Reita-san. Music truly has the power to change people and gift them with so much joy and happiness. That is what your work has done for not only me but countless others all over the world. Unfortunately, I could never see you live on stage, but I have watched you grow as an amazing musician since the beginning of the gazette's career. Thank you so much for everything.


  • from edgar

    れいたさん. Thank you for everything that you have done during your time here. Your contributions bass and band wise will forever be appreciated and adored. Hearing your basslines in old Gazette songs like 14歳のナイフand SILLY GOD DISCO had inspired me to pick up the bass. You have been such an immense inspiration and your contributions will never be forgotten. We will always love you and the GazettE will live forever. ありがとう <3


  • from Sheila de España

    Conocí The Gazette por mi hermana menor ya que es super fan de ellos y me encanta esta banda. Juntas hemos cantado sus canciones, hemos disfrutado de sus vídeos y directos, y hemos reído con vídeos divertidos que subían. Amamos su música y a cada miembro de la banda. Al enterarnos de la perdida de Reita nos quedamos en shock y sentimos una gran pena. La música no es solo música, es algo especial que nos une y nos da fuerza. La música es mágica y eterna como Reita y The Gazette. 🖤


  • from イソップ

    REITAさん.. あの日から2ヶ月が経ちましたが、未だに納得できません。このメッセージを書きながらも、何を言えばいいのかわかりません。なぜなら、私の一部はあなたがまだここにいるかのように感じているからです。 あなたは私が初めて愛したベーシストでした。 The GazettE は私にとって最初のヴィジュアル系バンドの 1 つでしたが、あなたほど私の注意を引いた人はいませんでした。あなたのスタイルはこれまでも、そしてこれからも私にとって大きなインスピレーションです。あなたが私にとってどれだけの意味を持っているかを説明するには、500 語では不十分です。 私の人生最大の願いの一つは、The GazettE がカナダに来て皆さんにお会いすることでした。 REITAさん…ずっと大好きです


  • from 優美

    此処が閉じる前にまたメッセージを書きに来ました。 貴方が居なくなってからなんだかあっという間に2ヵ月ちょっと経ちましたね。 5.27のライブで沢山沢山泣いて、ステージに姿が無いのを観て、みんなの泣き叫ぶ声を聴いて「ああ、もう居ないんだ。」って受け入れたく無かった現実をやっと理解したような気になってたけど、居なかったけどれいたさん居たよなーってやっぱり上手に現実を理解できなかったし区切りは付かなかったです。 こんなに受け入れ難い未来が来るなんて思っても無かった。 未だにずっと醒めない長い長い悪夢の中にいるようで、時間が巻き戻せるならと思わない日はありません。 もっともっと会いに行けば良かった。 theGazettEは無理に掬いあげるでもなく一緒に堕ちて苦しい時に傍にいてくれた、わたしにとって光で、道標みたいな存在でした。 『其処に降る悲しみは知らないままでいいよ』って 心穏やかに過ごして欲しいと思うけれど、貴方の不在を哀しんでこんなにも沢山の人が泣いてること、こんなにもれいたさんが愛されてたことはどうかどうか忘れないでいて欲しいです。 本当に本当にありがとう。愛しています。またね。


  • from Yunashe7

    Now your words about eternity are always with me. Somehow this necklace gives me the strength and confidence in my actions So Reita-san, please keep look after all of us for now And keep rocking, you, the main rockstar! And one day We’ll definitely meet at the place where you are now Full of love to you Всегда любила и люблю


  • from Yunashe7

    Especially for their bravery to continue do the music as the GazettE. If it doesn’t happen in 2024, I’ll do it in 2025 and all other years for sure. I promise to you and myself.


  • from Yunashe7

    I still regret that I wasn’t able to express all my deepest gratitude and love to you in person for all you’ve done to me - you are the first one who made me listen to the GazettE in 2009 and get into j-rock music and Japan in total and formed my personality as a good person with huge dreams and willpower. And now I’m fighting with all the circumstances and obstacles for being able to express all the gratitude and love to Aoi-san, Ruki-san, Kai-san and Uriah san, all of them and you again…


  • from Yunashe7

    Reita-san, I believe you’re listening… it took long time to write my thoughts down… I’m still trying to collect all the pieces inside my soul to move on… it’s freakin’ hard, but I’m trying to do my best… I have to


  • from Giulia

    Reita gave me the inspiration to start playing the bass, i fell in love with this instrument thanks to you. your music is so dear to me, I'll keep it in my heart, in my soul forever.


  • from Ira

    The Gazette was the very first band that opened the world of j-rock to me. I’m very grateful for it. The Gazette’s music was with me during my school years, than university and until now. And I’m happy that Reita-san was a part of it. I’m happy that I was able to see you live once. I’ll never forget that day. Thank you for being here for your family, your bandmates and for your fans. You will always live in my heart. Дякую за все❤️


  • from Yohei



  • from Lulu

    Dear Reita, I have never met you or The GazettE live, but I've been listening to your songs for a while now, for the last few years. Thank you for playing such beautiful songs that accompany me day by day. I really wish wherever you are now, you are smiling and always be happy. The legacy you left through The GazettE will surely last forever <3 Though now I may not be able to listen to your songs the same way again, with the same feeling, I will continue to cherish it 💖 Fly high, Reita 🕊


  • from Emilia

    Reita, i'm so thankful for what you've done for me through all these years. You've made my childhood bearable. I'm so glad i got to see you on the world tour lives those two times... I wish there was a third. I wish i could tell you how much you mean to me. The GazettE will never be the same without you, but i know that the boys will try their best. You are a legend and will never be forgotten. You are immortal in our hearts.


  • from Giulia🇮🇹

    Gazetto has always been a special band to me. I grew up listening to your songs. You inspired me to follow my dream to be a singer. I am in total shock now and it feels unreal. I was very lucky to come and see you in Munich in 2016 (that day was Uruha's birthday too) and I remember feeling it as a "once in a lifetime" thing so I did everything I could to make the effort. Your art helped me going through a lot and I will always be thankful for that. Rest in power 🤟 We will always love you


  • from こずえ

    10代の頃の楽しかった記憶は、ガゼットを追いかけていた思い出ばかりです。れいたさんのラジオでたくさん笑って、Ride withでたくさん飛び跳ねて。私の通っていた高校は大きな桜の並木道があって、その下を春雪の頃を聴きながら歩くのが大好きでした。ライブの桜吹雪の演出はいつもその頃を思い出してキラキラして見えて、その中でお立ち台に集まって肩を並べて、笑顔で演奏されている姿は、the GazettEを好きな気持ちが溢れて胸がいっぱいになる、私にとってかけがえのない宝物のような光景です。れいたさんが見ていたのとは反対側からの光景ですが、同じようにれいたさんもステージからの光景を宝物のように思っていたなら、これからもずっと、ずっと、永遠に、その宝物を守っていきたいです。れいたさん、生まれてきてくれて、the GazettEであってくれて、本当にありがとうございます。またどこかでお会いできますように。


  • from 下手の石油王

    このメッセージボードが間も無く終わってしまいますね。 このメッセージボードには書き切れない程、 れいたさんに対して伝えたい思いがまだまだあります。 でもthe GazettEもれいたさんも永遠だから。 これからも変わらずたくさん気持ちを伝えさせてください。 どうか届いたらいいな。 ずーっとずーっと、大好きです。


  • from Kazumi

    REITAくんがいなくなってしまって、悲しいです。 ファンとして何かできなかったのかと、考えてしまいます。 追悼ライヴには落選してしまいましたが、少しでもREITAくんを感じたくて、 豊洲pitまで行きました。メンバーのMCをその場でも、アーカイブでも観ましたが、観るたび涙が止まりませんでした。ステージにREITAくんがいないのが、 まだ受け止められません。ムードメーカー的存在だったREITAくんのいない the GazettEに慣れる日は当分きそうにありませんが、ライヴのときには必ず REITAくんが来てくれていると信じています。 REITAくんを忘れることは絶対にありません。 ゆっくり休んでください。


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