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May 27(Mon)12:00〜 June 26(Wed)23:59

  • from Danny Kang

    Reita-san, thank you for everything you've given the world and to me. The Gazette has been my favorite band since high school and your music continues to carry me forward today.

    I'm so glad I got to see you at your New York shows and shake your hand. Your passion, determination and creative spirit that radiated through your music will continue to inspire me for the rest of my life.



  • from なな



  • from Owais

    Happy Birthday ❤️


  • from Sabah

    Dear Reita, happy birthday!
    Thank you for being a part of the GazettE all these years.
    Rest well, and watch over us. You’ve always been the coolest guy and it’s been an honour to see you on stage.
    Thank you for EVERYTHING!!


  • from Maria F.

    Como le explico a mi corazón que ya te fuiste? Desde ese día hasta el sol de hoy no soy feliz pero me queda el consuelo que estas en un mejor lugar... No creo superarlo y tampoco quiero hacerlo este dolor me asegura que puedo amar sin ser amada de vuela. Espero que tus hermanos (4) y familia si encuentren el consuelo y que puedan encontrarse en alguna próxima vida. Algún día nos volveremos a ver.


  • from tiffany

    dear reita may you rest well. you were my favourite bassist ever and i have been listening to the gazette since young because of my dad. i miss you a lot. you will be remembered forever in our hearts. i have always wanted to go to a gazette concert to meet you but its ok you will always be in my heart. thank you for insipring many people with your music💚 i love you and miss you a lot! GAZEROCK IS NOT DEAD!!!! i will forever support the gazette in their upcoming activities. rest well! 🕊️


  • from Abi

    Dear REITA,

    Losing you this soon is heartbreaking. You and the members have not just greatly influenced people from all over the world, but for myself. You have greatly influenced the way I appreciate music, and how I appreciate me as an individual.

    Thank you for being the cool bassist that makes nosewraps and facekinis look super duper cool.

    To the members of The Gazette, keep doing what you do and rock on. No matter what decision you choose to make, you have our unwavering support!


  • from 純芳

    the GazettEとREITAさんに出会えたことは私の一生の誇りです


  • from Kauhl


    感謝?們的一切,亦感謝?為the GazettE 的付出。

    希望剩下日子流鬼さん、葵さん、麗さん、戒さん、Six Guns可以與れいたさん意志一起傳承下去



  • from Connie Marie.

    Never forgotten, forever loved 🥰 The gazette has always been my favorite since I was 17 , I’m now 35 and still over obsessed with the music .. all members are so cool and Reita was so awesome with his style.. I can’t believe he’s gone, but he’s not really gone! Forever in our heart 💜 gazerock will live on forever, ♾️ love you so much Reita… it’s not goodbye. It’s I’ll see you again one day .. GAZE ROCK IS NOT DEAD!!!! Forever they will be!! Xx 😘


  • from Natalie

    Oh Reita...
    Was ist passiert? Du bist pl?tzlich nicht mehr da und niemand versteht wieso.
    Nach so vielen Jahren bist du gegangen. Durch deine Musik, deine Art, deine Leidenschaft wurde ich gepr?gt und als Band habt ihr mich durch meine schlimmsten Teenagerjahre gebracht.

    Daf?r bin ich so dankbar.
    Egal wo du jetzt bist, hoffe ich, es geht dir gut. Du hast keine Schmerzen und kein Leid. Ich hab dich so lieb. Du fehlst. Als gro?er Teil eines ganzen.

    Ruhe in Frieden gro?er


  • from Ipolani

    When I discovered the band, I was only 12, now I'm almost 20, so much time has passed so quickly. I remember when I first saw you perform, I knew I had to learn the bass to be just like you. Though I've put it off for so long, I've decided to let the spirit of The GazettE live through me by finally learn bass. Thank you for inspiring me, for making songs that i bonded with friends over, for being The GazettE. Happy Birthday to my favorite Bassist


  • from Cathy

    Happy Birthday Reita! I still can't believe that you're gone. You were one of my biggest inspirations for my fashion style. The GazettE was my go to band when I was feeling down and they helped me through alot of my childhood. Life isn't fair but God takes the best when he needs them. I will continue to support the GazettE for the rest of my life. It dosent feel the same without you. Thank you for all the memories. You will forever live in our hearts. R.I.P Reita.


  • from Mizuki Soup

    Dear Reita-San, although I never knew you personally, I would've loved to meet you one day. Your performances always amazed me, and though I'm a guitar player myself, your skills as a bassist were something that is legendary. I am thankful I get to hear it so often, whether it be the alarm that wakes me up or the song that gets me through the hardest days. I will never forget it. I will miss you and cherish your influence on all us Six Guns. Rest Peacefully, let us all meet again.


  • from Hotaru╭(♡・ㅂ・)و/Arg

    Rei-san you left too young, now you have become a very bright big star.In this world you shined too much with your beautiful smile and personality and perhaps that is why God wanted to take you so that you could shine from heaven and take care of the gazette and so that the boys would not get lost in their paths.We will always remember you as that fun boy you were and you will always live in everyone's hearts.Every time I look up at the sky and I see a star shining brightly, I will know it's you


  • from もも

    WE ROCK!!


  • from Ollie Kopperl

    Dear Reita,
    I hope that your music continues to bring joy to new fans, the same way it brought joy to me over the years. I miss you greatly, and I wish I would have gotten the opportunity to see you preform. I will keep playing your music and sharing it with my friends and family. You are inspiring, and so is your art. Thank you for everything!


  • from 秋

    You gave me joy, you gave me inspiration, you gave me strength when I thought I had none to go on. Your energy in concerts was always one of a kind, and your spirit invigorates millions. the GazettE will live on forever, and so will you. Rest in eternal power, dearest brother. Love you and miss you.


  • from Kristine Moore

    Happy Birthday Reita! <3 the GazettE has played a significant role in my life and I am heartbroken that I will not be able to see you live in person anymore. Thank you for everything Reita! We miss you so much!


  • from Mika

    Rest in peace, Reita. 🦇 I will forever continue to support the GazettE.


  • from Melissa

    🇧🇷💌 | Reita, I didn't know you that much because I didn't have much of an attachment to The Gazette, but I know that you were, are and always will be a star, I know that you are happy in a better place, watching us all! happy birthday to you !


  • from Ced

    Dear Reita, Thank you for your awesome bass skills over the years supporting the band. You’ll be forever missed. The Gazette will never be the same again without you ✨✨


  • from jy

    Reita, you’ve always wowed me during lives and i always felt a connection to you. thank you for getting me into bass. its been 5 years since i played bass and its all because of you. i miss you so much and i love you so much reita


  • from oli

    Thank you for always being a big part of my life, even if you and the gazette don’t know me, you guys helped me through so much. Reita, thank you so much for always being a source of inspiration, as an artist I always found myself attempting to draw you but I never quite got to capture your beauty as well as I wish I could. Your passing was something unexpected to me and many others and I hope that wherever you are now, you know that you’re loved and cared about.


  • from Michy L

    Dear Reita, Thank you for giving it your all. We appreciate you for showing us your talent and love for music. May you rest in peace. ❤️


  • from Ferdokki

    Happy birthday REITA-san. It's still so shocking to me that you're no longer with us. You were the reason I started listening to The Gazette almost 20 years ago while discovering some of my first visual kei bands. You were always so cool and composed, and were such a great band member. I'm sad you won't be with us in the future, but you will always be a part of The Gazette. I will always remember your hard work and amazing personality. We will always miss you. Thank you for everything. <3


  • from Gel

    Reita Thank you so much for all the memories that you made with us. Thank you for being a member of the GazettE. I will always remember you and always be a fan of the GazettE. You may have been gone somewhere but your memories will remain. I love you so much! 💖💖💖


  • from Mya

    Thank you for sharing your talent with the world!


  • from Des:)

    I wish I had something more eloquent to say.The GazettE has been there for me since I was in middle school,when I found out about Reita’s passing I was crushed.I’ll love him forever happy birthday reita rest easy 🤍


  • from あゆこ




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