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May 27(Mon)12:00〜 June 26(Wed)23:59

  • from Steph

    Hi Reita,

    Thank you for everything. I would not be who I am today if it were not for you and the Gazette.

    Rest easy, your legacy will carry on; the Gazette will be forever.

    We will continue to walk the path together, with your name held high in our hearts.

    Happy birthday, and good night x


  • from Lily M.

    When I watch your fleeting moments with the GazettE, I laugh, feeling your presence so vividly, as if you're still here with us, walking on this earth. But then I realize that we're not the same anymore without you. Now you've become an angel! Heaven awaits you, serenaded by your beautuful melodies. Thank you for being here once. Thank you for everything. Keep waiting for us until eventually we can all be together again.


  • from Sofía Mendoza

    Hola: Apesar de no llevar más de 5 años escuchando the Gazette debo reconocer que han Sido de gran ayuda para mí. Hubo noches y días que lo único que me ayudaba con los problemas que tenía era escuchar a The Gazette, poder emocionarme con cada sonido, cada nota y cada gesto que ustedes hacían. Extrañaré a Reita, me hubiera encantado conocerlo en persona y verlo en el escenario con todos ustedes. Tengo tanto que decir que no me alcanza el espacio, pero the Gazette siempre estará en mi corazón.


  • from Pauline

    Reita San
    I remember when I was a 14 years old teenage girl, watching Gazette 's lives all day long, wishing I could play bass just like you.
    I remember how many times your music saved me.
    I remember how your music made such a difference in my life.
    You made the difference, you made the changes, and you never knew it. I can't say anything but "thank you"
    Wherever you are, you will be loved forever. Your music will live forever. Gazerock is not dead, gazerock will never die.


  • from Emilie

    I feel so incredibly lucky that I was able to meet you in 2016. The Gazette's music had saved my life when I was at my lowest, and pulled me out of the deepest depression living in an abusive household. I remember crying as you shook my hand, and telling you that your music had saved me. I remember the warm smile you gave while you thanked me. Its that smile I'll always remember, and how full my heart felt. Thank you for being a part of so many peoples lives. You live on through us all forever.


  • from ちーちゃん




  • from pauline | 🇫🇷

    Dearest REITA, For the 20 years that I have been listening to the GazettE, your talent, energy, and passion have deeply touched my life. You created unforgettable memories, and those moments will live on in our hearts forever. Thank you for everything you gave to us. Your spirit will continue to shine through the GazettE. Rest in peace, knowing you will never be forgotten. We will honor your memory by supporting the band and cherishing the moments we shared. With love and gratitude,


  • from Deidara [M]

    Estos días han pasado volando, pero no hay día en el que no haya pensado en tí. Gracias por todo, siempre todos te recordaremos como la maravillosa y talentosa persona que eres, the gazette será infinito por ti y por cada uno de los integrantes, vives en nuestro corazón y en tu arte, tu música. Asique me sacaré las lágrimas y seguiremos adelante como tu lo hubieras deseado, siempre te adorare y admirare por la hermosa persona que fuiste y seguiras siendo por la eternidad, te amamos, Reita


  • from Kim

    thank you for everything


  • from Nancy R.

    I remember the first time me and my BF discovered this band, young trying to discovering our rock side and after I had to move away how I would play our fave songs to remember the good times we shared and how we would gush about Reita being the best bassist in the world. I still can’t believe he’s gone. You’ll be truly missed HAPPY BIRTHDAY Reita


  • from Lyss



  • from Samuel Yutk

    Reita, muy pocos saben, pero por ti ingresé a estudiar música, lastimosamente me fui por la batería, pero no hace menos que tú fuiste él que me inspiró a ser un músico. Me acompañaste desde mis 13 años hasta ahora mis 24, estoy muy agradecido por haberte conocido y que me hayas llevado por este hermoso camino. Te extraño y te extrañaré por siempre, pero viviré feliz siguiendo mi sueño, al igual que tú seguiste los tuyos. The GazettE vivirá por siempre en nuestros corazones. We Rock. 🤘


  • from Alya



  • from Stacy

    Reita, thank you so much for everything.
    It won't be the same without you.
    Happy Birthday. You won't be forgotten.


  • from Zoi

    You've been part of my life for so long. I will always be grateful that I got to meet you and shake your hand, express my gratitude and admiration. I wish I was able to be there one last time, but even from a distance, I am still thinking of you. You will always be remembered and loved. The gazette will always be 5. Happy birthday, Reita.


  • from Nephtiry

    You've touched so many people's hearts and have been an integral part of so many people's journeys. Your legacy is eternal and we'll never forget you. No matter how much time passes, you'll always be here with us in spirit. Rest in paradise, Reita.


  • from Nina-Ren

    Unique and talented! You will always be missed and never forgotten! Fly high, Reita-San...


  • from Claude

    The GazettE was my first introduction to Japanese music in the mid 2000s and holds a very dear place in my heart. I deeply mourn the world's loss of such an irreplaceable and a influential person.

    I hope you're at peace wherever you are, REITA-san. I hope you knew how much you are loved. Sending my eternal love to The GazettE.


  • from alli

    i miss you reita. your music touched my heart, the gazettE has been one of my favorite bands for a while. happy birthday, thank you for everything you’ve done. thank you for being such an influential person in my life. rest in paradise. the gazettE is forever ❤️


  • from ひ



  • from min.



  • from R

    れいたさん生日快樂!!一直以來真的非常感謝!the GazettE永遠不變的5人,永遠都存在!


  • from Kao

    The Gazette has been part of my life for so long. I can't begin to express the memories that are tied to the band and their music. Reita was always an inspiration. I used to love watching his solos. Thank you for everything. He'll be missed and loved forever ♡♡♡


  • from Ginny

    Thank you REITA for allowing me (and many other fans) into your life for over 17 years. Through your talent and The GazettE's music, I was able to overcome many adversaries in my life. You will always be celebrated and loved. Hope you are resting easy. Will take a shot for you, bud. The GazettE will live forever ❤️.


  • from Esraa

    يَعِزُّ عَلَيَّ حينَ أُديرُ عَيني أُفَتِّشُ في مَكانِكَ لا أَراكا でも, "しがみつき願った明日は今も咲いてる 君を守るかのように" Reita!,our shining star with the gentlest eyes,This isn't goodbye you will never leave us. The grieve is never-ending, but so is our love. Not a day goes by without thinking about you. I hope all this love reaches you and keeps you warm. From the bottom of our hearts, thank you.


  • from Chantelle

    Happy Birthday REITA, thank you for everything you have done as a member of the GazettE. Your smile and laughter were so contagious, it always made my day to watch interviews and listen to the radio show. You brought so much joy to the fans and will be missed dearly. Good night and thank you so much🕊


  • from Kary

    Aún miro los conciertos y como tú bajo resuena es hermoso, te extraño muchísimo. Cuida mucho de los chicos. Gazerock is not dead


  • from Elise

    Dear Reita, you have been such an inspiration to me, I first found out about The GazettE when I started learning bass, I felt like I would never be a good player, but hear you play encouraged me to work harder and never give up. Thank you so much.


  • from Manon

    Hello Reita, Happy Birthday. I hope that you’re in peace and that you rock where you are and that you know that we love you, always and forever ´til the end. We will make your wish came true, the GazettE will last forever. We’ll make live your memory, laughter, kindness… forever. Thank’s for being born, thank’s for all the happy memory that you leave us, thank’s for being you. You’ll be forever in our hearts, you will be forever on stage, you’ll be our eternal member. Pour toujours et à jamais♥


  • from なぎ



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