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May 27(Mon)12:00〜 June 26(Wed)23:59

  • from Lauryn M.

    お誕生日おめでとうございます、れいたさん。Your presence has forever changed the lives of everyone you've met. Though, I won't be able to see you again, your presence and spirit will remain right up there on that stage. You did well; so so well! Please watch fondly over your family, the GazettE, and us. We love you eternally!


  • from Julie K

    Dear Reita sama....

    You were and are a true legend!

    Legends never die!

    From Russia with love and much respect...


  • from 泉 ゆき


    学生時代、毎日the GazettEの曲を繰り返しに聴いてました。辛い時でも、大変な時でも、悲しい時でも、落ち込んでる時でも、the GazettEの音楽を聴いて元気になりました。

    ほぼ10年前ぐらい、やっと夢を叶ってthe GazettEのライブに行きました。
    本当に人生でthe GazettEに出会えて良かったです。


  • from Yuu

    Cher Reita, joyeux anniversaire. Je voulais exprimer que the GazettE a toujours été un pilier pour moi, j'ai commencé la guitare et la basse grâce à vous et les chansons que je préfère jouer sont les vôtres. À un moment où j'en avais besoin, vous avez rendu ma vie un peu moins fade. Merci d'avoir existé, merci pour tout. J'espère que tu as passé un bon anniversaire là où tu es. Tu nous manques, et nous continuerons de supporter the GazettE quoi qu'il arrive. We love you.


  • from Satori

    I've never listened to The GazettE before but after I did I quickly fell in love with the band. What I did not know is that Reita already left this world. I wish him happy birthday, I miss him. His fashion sense, the music he did. Goodbye.


  • from Demartini

    Thank you and rest well 🤍


  • from Elena

    Dear Reita,
    Who thought this would have happened. I wanted to meet you in real life,I wanted to see your concerts,I was very excited to see you in the next tour. But what about now. You're not physically here anymore, nobody knows what happened. You just left..and that was bitter. You still had so much to do in your life but you flew away too soon. I felt agony for all the past month. But I'm learing to let go,I hope you're free from whatever chains of pain were holding you here. I love you.


  • from 扨

    the GazettEに出会ってからずっと、人生の一部でした。
    the GazettEを、れいたさんを愛していました。これからも、愛してます。


  • from Min

    It's been a long time since I know The GazettE, and what happened was a big blow to the heart for many of us. Today is Reita's birthday, I want to wish he with all my heart a happy birthday and that wherever he is he shines like the true rockstar that he is. We will always remember you.


  • from Kalipsa from Ukraine

    С днем рождения, Рейта-сан! Сегодня он совершенно особенный. Я верю, что ты чувствуешь всю любовь, направленную к тебе, и понимаешь всё, что мы хотим тебе сказать. Я бы хотела сказать Вселенной спасибо, что я прожила это время, находясь с тобой одновременно на этой Земле. Это так драгоценно. Теперь ты наблюдаешь за нами с небес, и я очень хочу, чтобы ты запомнил наши улыбающиеся лица. Пожалуйста, позаботься о мемберах! Будь рядом с ними. Я верю, что переродившись, мы встретим друг друга вновь!


  • from From Pixie

    Reita, you were a great inspiration for me and for many other fans, you always made us and everyone around you smile. Thank you for all the music that helped more than one of us. We will always remember you in our hearts and wish you a very happy birthday in wherever you are right now. You will always be a great rockstar who will always shine.


  • from avgust

    shine bright in the sky, the star you are


  • from kae

    happy birthday reita! 🎈 i've started to listen to the gazette only about a year ago. when i saw the band pictures, i was immediately drawn to you and you quickly became my favourite. my heart broke when i saw the news on 16/4 and i couldn't believe it. till now, it's still hard to process but i know you're in a better place now. please continue to watch over the members and rest well up there. gazerock is not dead 🖤🕊️


  • from Seth.a

    18 years iv spent looking up to you. That won't stop ever, the inspiration you gave me, the strength you gave all of us. I will never forget the impact you had on my life. You will always be in my heart. Thank you So much reita you for how absolute amazing you are how much you gave. Never did you slack, we always got 100% from you. All of us sixth guns, I hope we carry on your legacy forever. You will always be here in our hearts. I love you reita. I will miss you always.


  • from Dolliette

    Ever since knowing about The GazettE, I have always loved Reita, he was the most amazing bassist ever and always has a special place in my heart, when I heard about him passing I had to take a few minutes -possibly an hour- to just cry and mourn. I hope Reita is in a happy place and watching over the GazettE forever.


  • from Tazzy

    Thank you Reita for the influence you have gave to many, myself included. You were the reason I started playing bass, you will forever be missed but not forgotten!


  • from Steff

    REITA, Happy Birthday 🎂 and thank you for all the things you did. Years ago I've ve seen you live on stage and you were magnificent! It was like you sparkled from up the stage, so beautifully. Never will I forget that day. And even though we can now no longer see you, you live in all the hearts you've touched. And that are many. Until we meet again, good night Reita


  • from YURA

    Dear REITA,
    I love your music and passion for life. Everyone's lives had been brighter with your presence. Sorry I could not come see you in person all these years. I was able to bond with an online friend thanks to your work. Thank you for all your contributions to the vkei scene. GazettE 5 + Sixth Guns forever. We all miss you xxx


  • from ヒロ


    the GazttEの音楽と共に過ごした青春時代、

    the GazettEのメンバーの皆さんやファンの方々が困っている状況が見えましたら逸早く助けてあげてください



  • from Angel

    Dear Reita, we miss you very much...Thank you for everything. Rest well.


  • from KHUN

    Thank you so much for everything, Reita. Like many other fans, you have been an inspiration that I've grown up with since I was 10 years old in 2008 and influenced the person I've become today.

    Although the news have broken me, I hope you continue to inspire beyond the afterlife and everyone in The GazettE can continue creating art for many years into the future.

    Much love and support to everyone from New Zealand! <3


  • from a/k.

    Thank You Reita-san, may your works continue to shine together with the GazettE forever. You will be remembered and missed.


  • from Alistair

    When I saw the news of Reita's sudden death, I was very shocked. It was a hard blow for me as a fan and I can’t imagine how painful and bad it was for you.
    You opened up to me a completely new and amazing world of music that I fell in love with. I love your art endlessly and will always remember all the good things I had with you.
    I hope Reita-san looks down on us all from heaven with a smile and warmth, because we will never forget him and will always love him.
    Thank you for all.


  • from BrokenDollie

    I remember when I first discovered the Gazette. It was the music video of the song “filth and beauty”, and the first person I became mesmerized by was you Reita.
    You’ve inspired me to pick up an instrument again and want to learn how to play the bass because I admired you and thought you were so cool.
    Losing you, I am deeply saddened and still can’t believe you are gone. I’m going to miss seeing you on stage, but I know your spirit will still watch as the Gazette lives forever. We love you. Rest


  • from Eri

    Dear Reita,
    I don’t know how to really express my feelings and gratitude but I wish you were much longer here with us. I‘m sure that you keep rocking wherever you are!
    Although it hurts, I know too well that you are watching over Sixth Guns, your beloved bandmembers and family. You have become an angel now and I hope dearly that we can meet again someday. We love you so much, I wish you were with us right now, but I know you still are always by our side.. Goodbye for now and sleep tight, angel.


  • from Ruslana N

    I will forever miss your stage presence. You are the reason why I play the bass. Thank you for being such wonderfully musician and person. I too hope The Gazette will be forever. Happy Birthday dear Reita.


  • from Ruslana N

    I will forever miss your stage presence. You are the reason why I play the bass. Thank you for being such wonderfully musician and person. I too hope The Gazette will be forever. Happy Birthday dear Reita.


  • from ☆あきな☆

    the GazettEに出逢えたこと、the GazettEのファンでいられることが誇りであり、幸せに思っています。
    ツラいことがあっても、the GazettEがいるから頑張れるし私の生き甲斐なのは、これからも変わりません。


  • from g

    legends live forever


  • from Ash

    This month I found out you passed away.
    I cried, and for the next few days I couldn't believe it.
    I still can't.
    You were a bright light that shined with the other members, and made me feel the band's energy and passion for music, even through my phone screen for the past 8 years.

    RIP Reita.


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