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May 27(Mon)12:00〜 June 26(Wed)23:59

  • from Ana

    Reita thank you for everything you have done and brought to Gazette. I started becoming interested in Gazette when I first saw you and ever since I have been a fan. Rest in peace, I hope you are in a better place and watching over us and Gazette.


  • from Monica Canaza

    Hello, my angel.. How are you feeling today? I felt a lot of pain when you left us. But after a few dreams with you and the other members' words, I feel much better. Since 2005 the GazettE have been my home... my safe place to return. So today more than ever I want you to know that the GazettE has been immortalized a long time ago and that you also know how much you are loved and always will be. Please forgive us for crying so much.. Soon we'll meet there in heaven. From Brazil to heaven. 🇧🇷


  • from LyssaB

    Dearest Gazette Family,

    I wish you peace, from my heart as we bid farewell. To your brother, our beloved member. His memory lives on through music and the lives of everyone who loved him. Rest In Love and Peace.


  • from Vivian



  • from Lilith

    You were the definition of music to me and all others and it will stay that way for eternity.

    May you rest peacefully.


  • from Vanita

    Hey Reita:). You did well. I pray that you're happy now. You made a lot of us immensely happy so I hope you are resting well because you deserve it. I wish I could've seen you live at a concert. I grew up listening to the gazettE and you all helped me so much to become who I am and to get through a lot of hard times. So I will always be grateful. You were amazing and will always be. We are all proud of you. Happy birthday. We love you. ♡


  • from Katelyn Rials

    Dear Reita,
    You've inspired so many with your beautiful music and artistry. Ever since I was a teenager I was obsessed over The Gazette and I was so inspired by your ambitions and how you played every show with all of your heart. I never got the chance to see you playing live, but just know you will live on in every future show and in every song played. You are loved and no longer in pain.
    Rest in peace <3


  • from XueYu

    Dear REITA, nunca podre decirte adiós, porque es solo tu cuerpo el que ya no esta. Por siempre viviras en cada uno de nosotros, somos tu legado. Eternamente te recordare brillando en el escenario, siempre te extrañare. Vivire agradecida con el universo por haber hecho que coinsidieramos en esta vida, y contigo por ser parte del sonido que guio mi existencia. Cuando renazcamos, volvamos a encontrarnos. WE ROCK ☆


  • from Caitlin

    I will miss you forever and ever, I won't ever forget you or the love you showed all your fans and friends, I hope that you find peace and love and that you are reunited with us all someday in the afterlife. You are such a good person and the hole your death made in my heart will never be filled. I love you and miss you so so much. Rest in peace Reita, I would do anything to have you still with us.


  • from Amyth

    REITA さんへ



  • from Bri

    レイタお誕生日おめでとう、あなたは私の人生のハイライトでした 🤍


  • from Era

    ありがとうございました❤️Thank you


  • from Andy

    I'm choking on my words as I write this, I still can't believe it. But part of me it's convinced you'll continue walking alongside the band, shining from above.

    Thank you for being part of my youth, my life. I got to appreciate and enjoy bass thanks to you. I can't thank you enough for everything, you truly did well. Please rest...we miss you, but we'll forever be six guns!


  • from HM

    Hello Reita, I did not know about you for long, but your death hit me like a boulder. I was so upset when I heard the news. I cried for about an hour. You were a great musician, but I’m sure you were an even better person. You are one of my inspirations. I remember when I first got into the GazettE I saw you and thought you were really cool. I wish I could have met you or seen you live. Reading these messages makes me wish that I had. You seemed like a kind person even through social media. 🪦🕊


  • from 麻央



  • from Lucas

    I had to think a lot about what to say. I have so many thoughts and regrets, but i think whats most important to write is that I love you, and The GazettE, so much. I always thought you were the coolest, and still do. You and the band have helped me through so much in my life, and have inspired me to keep going more than you’ll ever know.
    I miss you greatly, but I hope you’ve found some sort of peace. Know that I won’t be taking things for granted anymore; whether it be friends or The GazettE.


  • from Raven

    Dear Reita, Thank you for being my inspiration. It was YOU who made me fall in love with The GazettE. I don't want to think about your passing but the passion and love you had for the band and the fans. I will be thinking of you every now and then. Rest well in heaven. We love you very much ❤️


  • from fang

    I just want to thank you. You always will be important to me. Thank you for inspiring me, and being my comfort when I feel lost. You will always be in my heart. Thank you for everything. I love you, rest in peace.


  • from Dino

    Your music will live on forever and you will live forever because of your music.ありがとう


  • from Idilsu F.

    Thank you. Thank you for giving us your best. Thank you for working hard all those years.
    Don't worry about us , we are sad and broken but we will work hard to make you live in our best memories.

    Your talent, your amazing personality and your wishes for GazettE will be carried on in our hearts, forever.

    I'm sure you're watching everyone from heaven, now you can rest as much as you want. Be at peace, the best bassist of the world.
    Be at peace , dear Reita.

    The GazettE will live forever.


  • from なつき

    れいたがいなかったらthe GazettEを好きになることも、知ろうとすることすらもなかったと思います。れいたがいてくれたから今の私がいます。


  • from Zayne

    Reita, you helped GazettE become the iconic Vkei band it is now. Your name will go down in the history of music, we won’t let you be forgotten. I’m sorry your life ended so early but I hope you find peace in the afterlife. You brought a smile to so many faces. You were more than an artist, you were a friend, a favorite person, an idol, you were so much. No matter how sad it is for you to go, you’ll forever be loved. We will all miss you so much more than you could ever know. Rest easy, Reita. 🖤


  • from Em

    Happy Birthday Reita! The Gazette was a huge part of my teenage years, and now at 26, I realized time flies. You were always my favorite, I wanted to learn how to play the bass because you always looked so cool. I miss you and rest easy beautiful soul, rest knowing The Gazette will live on.


  • from basia

    spoczywaj w pokoju, reita. na zawsze będziesz kochany i pamiętany❤


  • from Rikky

    Honestly, I became a Gazette fan for 5 years now and Reita-San and Ruki -San both became my inspiration. The idea of Reita-San passing away I cried for the first time in 7years since I have ever cried. However, I’m sure the Gazette members are more saddened then any hardcore fan so lets be there for Reita -San and all the members of Gazette at their side to support. I wish and believed Gazette are members of 5. Thank you very much !! 本当にありがとうございます ♡


  • from Nicole

    I've been following your work since your debut. Your talent will live on. You touched so many people! You will be forever missed. Rest in power!


  • from Hayley

    You will always be the coolest bassist ever.
    I am the person I am today because of of this band, because of these 5 members.
    Reita, thank you for will always continue to shine so brightly in our hearts.
    Thank you, a million times over. the GazettE is eternal.
    I love you


  • from Yuna Moon

    Je tiens a commencer ce message par un remerciement à The GazettE pour cette douce démarche que nous en tant que fan pouvons laisser un message ici. Et je souhaite également remercier tout le groupe pour toutes ces années à vous écouter depuis 2007. Je ne cesse de vous suivre et vous admirer pour ce que vous faites. Je vous envoie tout mon amour et mon soutiens: aux membres du groupe, à la famille de Reita et à toutes les personnes qui l'ont côtoyer. Merci Reita. Repose en paix et Joyeux Anniv ♥


  • from I-Anna

    The news was so sudden I was in absolute shock. It still hurts, but even though you aren’t here physically you will always be in my heart. Our hearts. You were an incredible artist and your music will continue to be a legacy. You loved your fans and band members dearly and it showed in many ways. The world won’t be the same without you, but whenever we feel lonely or in need for comfort, we will look up at the stars and you’ll be there because you always shined the brightest. We love you so much


  • from Kim

    Hi Reita! I may not able to go to Japan as of the moment, but please know you have a place in my heart. I love you and thank you for your music.


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