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May 27(Mon)12:00〜 June 26(Wed)23:59

  • from Ecstasy

    See you in space cowboy..
    Sooner or later we will be joining you.
    This hell will not last forever.


  • from Andrea

    Reita san, I miss you so much. I can't believe you're gone. Rest in Peace always.


  • from Juanita

    I began listening to the Gazette in 2011 and they opened me up to a whole new world of music! Reita's story got me through my own troubles when I was in middle school and I'll never be able to articulate what this band means for me. I'll be a fan till the end of my days and will continue to feel Reita's spirit every time I listen to their music! With lots of love!! ❤️❤️❤️


  • from Elizabeth Rae

    You were one of the greatest bassists out there. May you find your peace in the end. My condolences to his family and friends.


  • from Yams

    I regret never getting to see any of the concerts, especially when Reita was alive. I always loved all of his looks when he went onstage. I wish I would have gotten to see him once


  • from Marlene

    Thank you for sharing your music, your artistry, and a little bit of yourself with all of us. Rest in Peace and know that you have left an indelible mark upon the world. May you feel the energy and love of those who knew you and those who admired you, and may your spirit shine bright amongst the stars. True to your wishes, GazettE will live forever.


  • from Teddy

    Dear Reita
    Thank you for everything.
    Rest easy and know we will never forget you.


  • from Nox

    My dearest Reita,
    I will never forget you nor will I ever stop loving you. You are one of my favourite people. You're music and your personality always put a smile on my face. Just listening to you make my day just a little bit better. I will continue to listen to yours and the rest of The GazettE to keep your memory alive! You are such an inspiration to people all across the world. Rest easy love. You'll truly be missed ?


  • from Nikolay Vysotsky

    You will forever be remembered. Even here, in Russia.

    Your name is known worldwide, I know that as a fact.

    I have friends from America that know your name too.

    Names are important and as long as your name is remembered, you will live on in the afterlife. I think I can assure that you will live an even longer life on the other side.


  • from なな



  • from Yuu

    Reita, joyeux anniversaire. J'ai commencé la guitare et la basse grâce à the GazettE. Merci pour tout, the GazettE a façonné ma vie et a été là aux moments où j'en avais besoin. Je continuerai de supporter the GazettE. Repose en paix et merci. Tu nous manques. We love you.


  • from Vitória

    Reita obrigado por tudo você é uma pessoa muito especial para mim eu te amo de mais eu sinto muito a sua falta mais eu estou tentado ser forte nesse momento eu espero que no lugar que você esteja você esteja bem nunca vou me esquecer dó dia que eu lê e vê pela primeira vez foi um dia incrível.você é uma pessoa muito importante para mim e sempre terei um pedacinho de você marcado em minha pele fiz uma tatuagem em sua homenagem e você sempre está em meu coração e em meus pensamentos


  • from Eleonora

    I will always remember the day I went to one of your concerts.
    One of the most precious memories of my life, as it must have been for so many other fans. You were our strength and we will love you forever. I hope that somehow, wherever you are, our words and our affection can reach you. Thank you Reita, for sharing your love for music with us.


  • from Ash

    You shaped the world with your talent. A bassist like no other. No words can describe how much you mean to The GazettE and the fans ❤️ rest easy


  • from Raye

    I discovered the Gazette in college and have been a huge fan ever since. It is sad to know you will no longer be with them physically, but happy that you will be there in spirit. I have very fond memories. Rest in piece Reita!


  • from Jennifer

    I found The GazettE 18 years ago, which opened a whole new genre of music that I now love. You were always my favorite member due to your incredible talent and style.

    I still love your music, and you will always be my favorite bassist. May you look on at the legacy you have left behind and know that you will always be loved.

    We will forever miss you. May there be no pain and sadness where you are.


  • from gumi

    れいたさん、会いたいです。れいたさんとGazettEのメンバーがとても大好きから。大切な思い出、みんなありがとう。絶対に忘れません。ずっと。rest in peace.


  • from Savhanha SmallNguyen

    How can you miss someone you've never met? the GazettE was the soundtrack of my youth and you were my world, an inspiration. And even now, you still are.
    I hope you're okay, I hope it was painless, I hope that you're proud of everything you've achieved, all the hearts you've touched.
    Your legacy will never be forgotten.
    Thank you, for everything. Now get some rest up there but don't forget about us here - give us a visit when you can, okay? Okay. Love you, REITA - forever and always.


  • from Rebecca

    You made my world a bright place in th darkest of days with the rest of the band. I hope you have made your truths with God and now resting in paradise my friend. May the Lord favor you.


  • from Geisha B.

    Reita you are an amazing bassist. You put so much passion into music. I saw how The Gazette were like family. I know we all miss you so much. We will never forget you!


  • from sabby marie

    words can’t describe how heartbroken this news has left me.
    the GazettE has helped me through some of the hardest times in my life I started listening to them back in 6th grade & I am now 25 years old.
    I admire Reita soooo much! he was so full of joy & an amazing musician!
    I love you Reita forever & always.
    you will NEVER be forgotten.
    you will live in my heart forever.
    the GazettE will forever have a special place in my heart.
    thank you for everything you’ve done! <3


  • from angelina r. m.

    rest in paradise, Reita! the gazette and dir en grey were my first jrock/metal bands, so very talented! we will miss you, Reita! may the gazette live forever! much love. ❤️‍🔥


  • from リン



  • from Raye

    Happy Birthday Reita!! The GazettE changed my life and brought me comfort innumerable times. It breaks my heart that I never got to see you in concert. I promise if the GazettE comes to Toronto again I will be there and we can all be together at least in spirit. Thank you for everything and rest in peace. I love you, I love you, I love you forever.


  • from Marlisson alves

    Reita-san you're the coolest japanese musician ever, you and the hole band made me fall in love with j-rock, hope u are in the best place and in peace right now, rest in peace


  • from Martyna

    It is hard to believe you are no longer with us. I grew up listening to The Gazette, and I regret the missed opportunity to attend your show in the UK before lockdown came. Nevertheless, you and The Gazette were a big part of my teenage years, and I cherish those memories.
    Rest in peace, Reita-san.


  • from Kalynn

    I will forever miss you and your perfect smile and talent❤️ May you Rest in Peace ✨💖


  • from Claudia

    The Gazette has been my introduction to the Japanese culture, language and Jrock. I have spent my teenage years hoping for the day that I could see them live. And I finally got that chance in 2019 in London. Seeing Reita and the band was a dream come true.
    Reita, learning about your passing has sadden me deeply. I am very lucky to have seen you on stage in 2019, full of joy, enjoying every moment.
    You are missed and irreplaceable! Rest in peace and rock on!


  • from ru

    orever in our hearts ❤️


  • from Y.roXX from Germany

    Nie begegnet und doch gekannt. Nie vernommen und doch gehört. Nie berührt und doch gespürt. Nur tiefe Empfindungen die zurück bleiben. Nur ein Schleier aus Erinnerungen der im Herzen verbleibt. Nur Dankbarkeit und das Versprechen nie zu vergessen. Wir verloren einen unglaublichen Menschen und Musiker. Auf das du uns von der Höchsten und strahlendsten Bühne mit deinem Licht erfreust. Danke für dein Lachen, dein Charisma, deine Energie und deinen Rock. Auf ewig in liebevoller Erinnerung.


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