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May 27(Mon)12:00〜 June 26(Wed)23:59

  • from rae

    much love Reita. you were truly inspirational and inspiring. thank you for the music and thank you for being you.


  • from Sol Villanueva 🇲🇽

    Reita... Gracias por ser eterno junto a the GazettE 🕊️ Siempre voy a recordarte como la persona maravillosa y alegre que fuiste, estoy realmente agradecida por lo mucho que me has hecho feliz 🤍 Te amo por siempre, querido Reita 🌱🤍 Bella Luna~~


  • from Anahi

    You were GazettE's biggest fan. I will always remember your smile, your bass, your energy and passion in what you did. I didn't think it would come "so soon" I always thought it would be until all the members had gray hair, honestly I still feel sad but I wish your soul rest in peace. We will be with the GazettE, always sixth gun. I love you from Mexico.


  • from Kamo

    Dear Reita-san, your bass solos inspired me to pick up and start playing my own bass guitar, Thank you for everything.


  • from yuki

    5人のthe GazettEは永遠です


  • from Nad空

    Mi querido Reita, gracias por tan maravillosos momentos que el sonido de tú bajo me brindaron🫶


  • from Cheng

    I don't have words to express how I'm feeling right now... I can only remember you as the most beautiful thing that has happened in my life. I met the Gazette when I was very young, now 8 years later, it hurts me to know that the person I admired the most is gone forever... That I never met you in person is quite painful. I only hope that in this moment, your essence that is so unique shines for eternity and may you find peace. May you remember in your memories that on earth our hearts continue.


  • from Shino From Venezuela

    Querido REITA: Gracias por estos 17 años a mi lado, me has acompañado en grandes momentos, desde la secundaria hasta la universidad, cuando me sentía sola me acompañaste con ese estilo único y particular que tenías al tocar, hoy con mucha tristeza te despido de este plano, con el regocijo de que cada vez que escuche The GazettE tú vas a estar ahí, te quiero mucho, gracias por compartir esta existencia a mi lado, te prometo que voy a cuidar de The GazettE haciendo que sea eterno ♾️. Con Amor S.


  • from Heather 🇺🇸

    Dearest Reita, Words can’t describe how grateful I am to have met you during the Dogma Trois World Tour in 2016. I will cherish that memory forever. Your legacy will continue on in all our hearts. Thank you for all the amazing years of incredible talent. Gazerock will never die! WE ROCK! ❤️


  • from Anye

    Thank You for changing My life with your music. You'll be always i'm My heart. <3


  • from Duaa IraqMesopotamia

    Hi gazette, i hope you holding up well.. Nothing is enough to explain this loss ,I've known gazette since i was 13 and now I'm 24 I've never missed a single day without listening to your songs ,my country "iraq",iraqi people are not a fan for rock in general
    for the gazette there's few fans,But even though i had the gazette by my side through hard times before good times . Reita's passing was shocking to me ,i hope he'll rest in peace. And good luck in completing his journey ?


  • from L

    Reita, thank you for all of the work you’ve done. Happy birthday, and rest in peace. We’ll miss you.


  • from Sammy

    I sincerely wished to be able to see you shine onstage one day and that chance has been lost too soon. You will never be forgotten and we champion your memory. You were loved dearly by all.


  • from Mariana Hdz

    Reita, siempre estarás en mi corazón, agradezco haberte conocido, tu energía en el escenario era tan contagiosa, tuve la oportunidad de verte 2 veces en México, fueron los mejores días de mi vida, the GazettE siempre me protegió y me hizo mejor persona. Gracias por todo Reita, te amo, no te preocupes más, es mi turno, protegeré a the GazettE como siempre. ♡


  • from Reikuma chan

    Reita san, i hope you had a blast with your friends and fans at Toyosu PIT. I am sure you must be excited about the next concert planned in September. I am sorry i wouldn’t be able to make it but I will cheer for you then, I will cheer for you now. Everyday i start my day thinking about you,passing every moment thinking about you. I go to bed thinking about you. I pray you’re not lonely up there. It’s been difficult trying to make through the day since you’ve gone but we are trying💜


  • from JJ

    Rest well Reita. We will miss you. The Gazette will live forever. I love you. We love you. I hope you're at peace now.


  • from Tifa

    Thank you for everything, Reita-san


  • from Britny

    REITA 🩷 thank you for being such a big part of my teen and young adult life! You are loved and you are missed everyday. Forever grateful for the time I got to see you on stage. Forever in our hearts ❤️


  • from Daria

    Unfortunately, I don't know English very well. I hope my words reach you.
    I've never been a fan of the band, but I've always been fascinated by recordings of the Gazette's performances. At the concerts of this group one always felt drive and true freedom. And no matter how long the Gazette exists, eternity or longer, your bass will always be in the air with the aftertaste of good music. Reita-san, know that many people around the world will remember you forever


  • from bella

    Hi, happy birthday. Thank you for being you and sharing your passion and love for music with so many people. You'll always walk with us and will always be in our hearts. I dont think it feels right to mention your legacy as if you've gone, because it feels like you'll always be sticking around. Like you said, you wanted the Gazette to last forever and I know the Gazette will forever live on. Alway stay safe, wherever you are.


  • from Arianna

    Reita you were my inspiration, my muse and you didn't even know it. Rest easy now and let your legacy carry you long after we are all gone.💜🕊


  • from Tito

    You and the GazettE were part of my youthfulness. Your music saved me when times were hazy in my life. I couldn’t see you live, but I will cherish and remember you and your virtuous energy in everything you put your hands on. You were gone too soon, but unfortunately we can’t control when we are gone. Please, rest well in peace and watch for all of us, your fans and your band.
    Thank you for everything
    You’ll be missed.


  • from Rhydian

    Thank your Reita for all you have done and accomplished. You were and will forever be the brightest star in a galaxy of endless constellations. Thank you for many amazing years. You did well. 🖤


  • from Sakuya

    Hello, Reita. I still can't quite grasp that you're no longer here. I still remember exactly when I saw The GazettE live for the first time in 2004... and that you have accompanied me every day since then. Reita, I thank you for saving me so many times with your music. And I promise you: I will faithfully accompany your friends on their journey. You have become immortal because you live on in your music. Ruki, Aio, Uruha, Kai... there are no words to tell you how sorry I am for your loss..


  • from りょう



  • from Erika

    Happy Birthday Reita. I wish you all the best, wherever you are. Thank you Reita for being such an important part of my life. I will continue to listen and support the gazettE. I'm proud to be a fan of the gazettE since 2013. I'm proud of the wonderful music you shared with us. I'm so grateful that you had been part of my life. Thank you for allowing us to say goodbye. Gazerock forever.


  • from Rory

    I listened to the gazette for the last 15 years, absolutely legends, silly god disco was one of my favorites cause of reita


  • from Malkira Anthony V.

    Just when I thought I was falling into a deeper depression The Gazette pulled me out of a dangerous slump. Reita, you were my favorite and ultimate inspiration. 💜🩷💜


  • from Qomumop

    The GazettE is and will always be my favorite band. You've kept me company through your music in every step I give in life and that's why, no matter what, I'll always keep you safe in my heart.

    Reita, our dearest bassist, I love and miss you. I hope you feel the greatest peace wherever you're now conquering. Please know you'll never be forgotten. Thank you for always being yourself, giving your all and inspiring so many people.

    I'm very grateful for witnessing your amazing existence.


  • from ダニエラ



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