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May 27(Mon)12:00〜 June 26(Wed)23:59

  • from the GazettEを愛すファン



  • from Michelle

    I'm grateful to have listened to GazettE. Please rest easy, Reita.


  • from Kim 🇲🇾

    Invisible Wall and Chizuru introduced me to the GazettE back in 2012. Your physical presence may be absent, but your spirit will continues to surround us and the band. You will always be loved, always be missed, and forever be remembered. Thank you for everything and yay your soul rest in peace! 2012 年,Invisible Wall 和 Chizuru 向我介绍了 the GazettE。 你可能缺席了,但你的精神将继续围绕着我们和乐队。你将永远被爱着,永远被怀念,永远被记住。 谢谢你所做的一切,愿你的灵魂安息!


  • from zw

    大好きなthe GazettEというバンドで
    れいたさんがthe GazettEのベースで


  • from Charles

    Your music inspired me and my friends in high-school. Inspire us to play music together, travel together, live together. You live on through everyone you've inspired, rest easy brother.


  • from Lilynn

    Tu étais et resteras mon bassiste favoris, pour toujours. Merci pour tout Reita ♡


  • from S.C.

    Hello Reita, I’ve only been a fan of the GazettE for a little over a year, but I’m so glad I was able to experience the band with you in it. Thank you so so much for giving your talent and passion to the GazettE. I hope you have left this world proud of what you have accomplished. You have left a mark on so many people (including me) and will always be treasured because of that. Thank you for everything❤️


  • from JMonika ♡

    Reita! Sixth gun will love you today, tomorrow and always ♡ thank you very much for being part of our lives. Heaven will always unite us, take care of yourself. ♡


  • from Cece

    Reita, te extraño mucho. Recuerdo sentir que mi corazón se agitaba, pensé; que seguiríamos juntos hasta al fin, no quería pensar que un día nos despediríamos de alguno de ustedes, dar por sentado es fácil, el dolor de la perdida estaba fresco para mi, así que enterarme aquel día fue un circulo de negación. Reita fuiste y sos muy importante para mi y para muchos más. Espero, no, estoy segura que tendrás que vernos y escucharnos desde donde estes, no te librarás de nosotros, como dijo Ruki. Te amo


  • from Edwin

    From a fan from overseas that enjoyed the music you and your bandmates produced for the longest time. Your departure from everyone was sudden and too soon. We will miss you Reita. May your wishes for the GazettE also continue to live on with the performers you shared and spent time with to produce so much memorable music. You have made your mark on new and old fans alike.

    The sounds of your instrument is still being played....Rest in Peace Reita. A legacy forever remembered. Happy birthday.


  • from Anna Lumina

    Happy birthday, Reita!

    Your energy and good vibes were always noticable and it brought such warmth to my heart. I still remember asking my dad if I could style my hair like yours, which he did, but it did not look as cool as yours haha.
    Thank you for everything and please remember you will forever be missed and just know how much we loved and still love you.


  • from Ximena

    Reita aún sigo en la etapa de negación, yo pienso que sigues aquí, es difícil creer la realidad... Me niego Fuerza y ánimo a las personas cercanas a Reita, no me imagino el gran vacío que debe sentir, por mi parte sigo y seguiré apoyando a la banda... THE GAZETTE FOREVER


  • from Amanda Scarlet

    PS: 翻訳機を使いました。


  • from Bluee

    Reita. Although I am just a fan among the millions, the way I felt when I heard about you passing away, was one that cannot be comprehended. You’ve raised me. I cannot explain how much I miss you.

    Even though I'll be able to replay those songs over and over again, I cannot shake the feeling of regret that I'll never be able to see your art live ever again. A simply amazing musician.

    You’ve left your mark on the world, Reita.



    Hello my beloved reitita sama, I only dare to write this to you because the day I met you with de gazette was the best of my life and you gave light and life to my heart. Your departure makes my heart break and a part of me died. But I know that you are already resting as you deserve. I hope the day the Gazette returns to Mexico I can see them and feel you. Don't worry about the kids. I will take care of and support them. You will also live in my mind and heart forever. Gazerock not dead i love


  • from Sayuri

    Dear Reita,
    I haven't been into The GazettE for very long but I have been into visual kei for a while now. I have seen those videos that are like "Visual Kei funny moments" and if there were ever a clip of your band on one, they would always make me laugh or smile and would make my day better. I could tell you were a good man just by your smile and how you were always so bright around your bandmates. Sometimes I wish I could've got to meet you, but someday we shall meet, in heaven.


  • from Jazmin Valtierra

    あなたはいつも私の心と心の中にいます レイタ、私は一生あなたがいなくて寂しいです、 あなたがもうここにいないのが辛い、私の心は傷ついている. Gazette Forever México Loves U


  • from Marika

    2010年5月27日, the GazettE - Cassisのミュージックビデオを初めて見ました。最初に思ったのは「この男の鼻はどうしたんだ?」それでインタネットで情報を探し始めました。






  • from @HyacinthAzurai

    Dearest Reita💗 Happy Birthday!! I hope you had an amazing time shredding at the PIT!! From what I've heard, your presence was felt by everyone! Although I wasn't able to go, I believe it wholeheartedly&have been smiling thinking of how happy you must've been to do a live with your brothers again! Since I first found you as a little 10yo by the most magical coincidence, I've loved watching you submerge into your music&blossom through it. You are so beautiful. Love and cozy hugs, Claire


  • from EchoEncelar

    If the next life is real, please form the GazettE again, live again, I will realize you faster than this life. I will try more to meet you. I will protect you from any pain. I will support you and the GazettE more than this life, I promise.

    the GazettE will last forever. You too REITA.. You will last forever in our hearts, on the stage, with the GazettE... Love you.


  • from EchoEncelar

    There is no word enough to say how I love you but... Thank you for being born to love. How heaven be? I hope now you are happy, smiling, and enjoying your bass forever. However when the GazettE live, please come back and play your bass on the stage with them! I always will wait for that. I miss you so much.


  • from Joanne

    Thank you, Reita for being the most awesome bass guitar player for The Gazette. I first started listening to you guys since 2005 - 2006. The Gazette will always be one of my favorite JRock bands. Even though your passing broke my heart, I will always remember the music and the bond and friendship you guys shared. Love❤️🧡💛💚💙💜 The Gazette always! どうもありがとうございます!


  • from EchoEncelar

    You are always my only one beloved. I met you first time when I was 13... 15 years is not much but it more than my half-life. I fell in love with your bass. You made me realize that the bass is amazing, not outstanding but necessary like a supporter.


  • from Allen

    The GazettE saved my life when I was just 12, I’m 19 now. Y’all were a very important part of my teenage years, and now, an important part of my adulthood.

    I always found Reita to have such a pretty energy, I wish i could’ve known him in person.

    To Reita, I really hope you’re playing bass in heaven, I hope you’re happy and I hope that all the love from us fans has reached you.

    To the members, thank you for everything, I hope you have all the support you need.

    Thank you for saving my life <3


  • from Helen Gomes 🇧🇷

    Reita, hoje eu admirei o céu estrelado, e acredito que a estrela mais brilhante que eu tanto admirei seja você ❤️‍🩹você será eterno Reita, obrigada.


  • from Paty H. A. “Usagi”

    Querido Reita, una de las cosas que me salvaron en mis peores momentos de tristeza, fue conocerlos, en especial el hermoso sonido de tu bajo, tu presencia en el escenario era cálida e imponente al mismo tiempo, tuve la fortuna de verte en el último concierto que dieron en ciudad de México antes de la pandemia, atesorare ese hermoso momento en mi memoria, esperaré por el día en que la banda regrese y aunque físicamente no estaras en el escenario, se que tu espíritu inquebrantable estara presente.


  • from Debbie

    Rest in paradise Reita. You're missed by many everyday.


  • from Celestina 💗

    Thank you for being a big part of my young adult years, you taught me how to be myself and enjoy the world for what it is. Thank you for being an inspiration to so many people, rest peacefully, we love you!


  • from Maria centeno

    Reita-san Gracias por tu trabajo, descansa, lo hiciste bien, nos hiciste feliz y lo seguirás haciendo. Me duele demasiado tu partida tanto como si hubiera perdido a mi padre, por qué eso eras para mí, mi papá, te extraño y te extrañare, siempre me salvaste y lo seguirás haciendo. Descansa en paz cuidaremos de los chicos y nos volveremos a ver, promesa de meñiques!!


  • from Luisa Y.

    I cannot thank you enough for your life's work. You have been the background music of each special moment of my life ever since I was fifteen nineteen years ago. Now, as I get older and wiser, I will maintain my love for The GazettE, and as much as you told us, you will live forever in our hearts. Thank you for your bass solos and your energetic attitude. You are a treasure that I will maintain in my memory. Thank you for giving us hope!


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