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May 27(Mon)12:00〜 June 26(Wed)23:59

  • from むらさき

    れいたさんお誕生日おめでとうございます。 力強く支えるようなベースの音やパフォーマンス、ムードメーカーで話せば面白い所、ヴィジュアルも優しさある人柄もかっこよくとても魅力溢れる存在です。 そんなれいたさんがずっと大好きです。 もっとかっこよくなっていくれいたさんをみることができないのは残念ですが、これまでのtheGazettEの音楽やライブを共有してきた時間や思い出もずっと心に生きています。 theGazettEもれいたさんも自分の中で永遠です。 ありがとう!大好きです! またライブで逢いましょう🤘


  • from まゆ

    Happy birthday せかいいちロックなれいたさんへ 今度直接お話できる機会があったら、こんなこと話そうあんなこと伝えようって気が早いけど考えてました。 これからもっとたくさんの季節を the GazettE と過ごして、ライブ中に感じた楽しい気持ちも、どんなところがカッコよかったとか、ためこんでおくから次お話できる時は沢山聞いてください!!🌟 UGLYで上手来てくれて私たちのこと煽ってくるところは れいたさんに中指立てるし!TOMORROW NEVER DIESのドラムに駆け寄るところだって忘れないし! 一生忘れない、忘れられない、 きっと毎日たくさんの人がれいたさんを思って、だかられいたさんの周りには毎日たくさん綺麗なお花が咲きます🌷🌷 私たちファンも私たちなりに れいたさんが願った永遠を守れるように、きっと強くなるので 安心して少し先に休んでください。でもね、やっぱり これからも the GazettE で居て ステージのいつもの場所には 居てくださいね 生まれてきてくれてありがとう  これからもよろしくお願いします


  • from Maria

    You made my childhood better
    Farewell friend


  • from Enrique

    Dear Reita, your inexhaustible energy and unique style touched my heart like that of many other people around the world.
    You have been a driving force to help me move forward. You breathed soul into every note you played and we miss your luminous presence.
    Your memory will continue to live on through your art and the memories we all have of you.
    Reita, with all my affection, rest in peace.


  • from Mina Harker, M?xico

    "Reita! Since I met you and The GazettE, my life totally changed, my lifestyle and so on, it was thanks to you and your warm love, I have loved you for so many years, I wished to see you together playing on stage as I never had the joy of seeing you live! Now, I know it can't be like that, as you have become an eternal star, still, from the bottom of my heart I will always love you and remember you, you will live in The GazettE, in everyone and in me for the rest of my life.


  • from Erica Chu

    Your music saved my life from depression.
    It's great to know you and like you.
    Your spirit will stay with us forever.


  • from Aline Borges

    We will meet again, one day. I miss you. Love you 💜


  • from Aika 🇵🇭🇵🇭🇵🇭

    Dear Reita-san, Happy belated birthday. I have been a fan since 2008. The Gazette formed my childhood years. Thank you so much for the 22 years filled with memories and wonderful music. Don’t worry we promise you that The Gazette will be forever. Ruki-san, Kai-san,Aoi-san and Uruha-san, thank you for choosing to continue the band. We will continue to support the band. More strength to everyone. We love you ❤️ from the Philippines.


  • from Nao


    Thank you for your incredible talent and efforts you put into the GazettE's music. Your band helped me through the hardest parts of my life, helped me explore who I really was at the time, and brought so many wonderful friends into my life - friends I cherish to this day.

    I'm so sad I'll never see you on stage, or tell you personally how thankful I am to you for making my life so much better in my darkest times.

    Hope you have the best time on the other side - see you in another life.


  • from Kimmy

    Reita im forever grateful for your awesome yet dedicated passion for THE GAZETTE. It’s inspired me to make my own music and play an instrument to find enjoyment and meaning to life. I’m forever grateful for you and will always remember you as an amazing rockstar. And such a strong impact to my childhood and a strong key component into visual kei. Ill never forget you. <3


  • from Yoshi

    While I was late to the bad news, I still think of the same tears I cried when I saw the news that you (dear Reita) had passed away. It was a sad day indeed but now you are in a better place. It has been an honor to get into The GazettE during high school and I am still listening to them to this day. I thank you (and the whole band too!!) for helping me during these last years of school and expanding my taste in music. Rock on in the afterlife, we will never forget our dear Reita!! <3


  • from p

    rest in peace <3


  • from Lorena Panfil

    Thank you. Thank you, deeply, for everything you have done! I hope you are well and happy, in Heaven, among other Angels. I haven't followed The Gazzette for very long, but, your presence made me admire the band and fall in love with V-KEI.


  • from 梓



  • from aps_chamuii

    Dear Reitasan,

    I love the way you are. Your appereance, your visual. Even if idk why u left this world so soon. Thank you for being born. Thank you for being the member of Gazette. You are the most unique person i ever seen. You are so cool. I love you Reitasan.


  • from sarachm

    Thank you Reita for being a huge part of my core memories. I always cherish the nostalgia and comfort that The GazettE brings. I used to draw and express myself a lot as a kid (even did an unfinished portrait of you)! These days it’s become a habit to not complete my personal aspirations. I’m realizing that I’ve been too hard on myself…so I want to thank you for bringing me back to my roots. Hope you’re having a rocking birthday bonanza up in Paradise. Much love!


  • from Sophie

    I hope you are at peace now. You were my favorite in the band. Much love from Sophie》》》♡ Seattle, USA


  • from Moeza phopet doll

    ❤❤❤❤❤rei chan aku akan selalu mencintai mu dan merindukanmu


  • from Brad from Australia

    The world is a darker place in your absence, but your music will live on forever in my heart and mind, Thank you Reita for living as you did!


  • from おやす(アイガニム)

    れいたさん!!! ずっと永遠にいつまでも愛してる! You Will Always Live In Our Hearts! 決して忘れません!Люблю тебя и the Gazette с 2010 года. Спасибо за то, что всегда поддерживали меня своей музыкой. Мы будем делать всё, чтобы ты и твое последнее желание жили вечно! The GazettE will last forever. Люблю неимоверно и буду любить всегда! Мягких тебе облачков и сияй ярче всех звезд на небе, любимый мой басист навечно. <3 ずっとずっと愛してる💖 カザフスタン・アルマティからおやす(アイガニム)です。


  • from Karina

    Querido Reita

    Tus notas resonaran eternamente en mi coraz?n. Fuiste el latido constante que sosten?a la melod?a. Hoy, cuando cierro los ojos, puedo sentir la vibraci?n de tu bajo en mi pecho y se que tu legado es indeleble. Tu al igual que The Gazette seguir?n siendo el refugio de mi coraz?n roto. Descansa en paz, querido Reita, hasta pronto.


  • from Fabian

    Dear Reita, I have been listening to theGazettE ever since "Filth in the beauty" was released and when I watched the MV, you caught my attention. I loved your outfit and how cool you looked. I have never liked any bassist in other bands. You are the first. I hope I can see you again in the afterlife. Ruki, Kai, Aoi and Uruha, please stay strong. Love you guys~


  • from 亜樹斗



  • from ゆら子





  • from Emily

    Thank you for being part of one of the bands that inspired me on my own musical journey. I will always look up to you as an amazing bass player who has provided me with endless inspiration. Rest easy and thank you for all you have done. I cannot put into words how much your work means to me. <3


  • from Damara

    Reita, thanks for your beautiful music and for everything ♡


  • from Kodi

    Thank you, Reita. You are a huge inspiration to me, you motivated me to start learning the bass. Thank you so much for everything... You deserve the world.


  • from Juli

    Dear Reita-san Happy birthday, thank you for all the years you and the GazettE brightened my life, for being such an amazing bassist and such a wonderful person I miss you everyday You will never be forgotten, the GazettE has always been a big support, and will forever be a big part of my life ❤️


  • from Alien_Rock02

    gracias the gazette por tanto, la muerte de reita me ha dejado en un estado de shock que hasta ahora no lo puedo creer pero en este momento se que reita esta en un lugar mejor y somos nosotros quienes quedamos a sufrir en este mundo. Siempre escuchare la musica de the gazette hasta el dia de mi muerte y nosotros los fans cumpliremos la mision que the gazette dure para siempre, les mando mucha fuerza y nunca se rindan el mundo necesita de su musica!


  • from Elise

    Ever since I was in middle school I've been a fan, that's 7 years, I never thought the day would come and it makes me sad...but I hope you're resting and in peace now Happy birthday! You'll be in all our hearts and will continue to make us smile! 💞


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