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May 27(Mon)12:00〜 June 26(Wed)23:59

  • from Nono

    Dear Reita, I grew up with The Gazette, with you.. Your music helped me through the toughest periods in my life and I'm forever grateful for that. We will miss you so much. You will always be in our hearts and minds. May you rest in peace 🙏 Thank you for all your hard work


  • from Farrel

    Thank you for everything Reita! Thank you for being my favourite bassist of all time! I loved your look and the way you performed! You brought me into following and listening to the GazettE! You will forever be remembered and I hope you’re watching down on the rest of the band from up there and looking out for them from the great stage above! May you have your well deserved rest from playing so many amazing shows and wonderful songs! ❤️‍🔥


  • from Cheryl E.

    Thank you Reita. You caught my attention when I was just a girl in secondary school, watching a live of バレッタ on YouTube almost 16 years ago. Your bass solo was so memorable, and you quickly became my first celebrity crush. Your music speaks to my soul, and helped me through a lot of the good and bad parts of life. I got robbed of the chance to see you live in 2020, but I'll see the band one day and I hope you'll be there in spirit. Love you forever Reita, miss you dearly. Happy Birthday.


  • from Eri H.

    Reita, thank you for your hard work and all of my childhood dreams.


  • from Jennifer

    Gazette as a whole has been a huge part of my life for the last 14yrs. Reita was a huge influence and inspiration for me to try and learn the bass guitar, and even though I'd stopped trying to learn (I have a lot of things going on), I've decided to make time to try and pick it up again.

    My heart broke when I heard the news of Reita's passing. It still breaks my heart when I listen to their music, knowing he's no longer here; yet it also makes me smile, knowing the legacy Reita has left behind


  • from Bruce Bruce

    あなたの音楽は間違いなく私の人生を変えました。あなたが私と同じようにLUNA SEAのファンだと聞いて、The GazettEについてもっと調べてみようと思いました。バンドの曲を聴き始め、YouTubeでたくさんのライブコンサートを観たら、すぐに夢中になりました。あなたが22年間バンドにいたことがとてもうれしかったし、あなたが関わっている伝統のおかげでバンドはこれからも一緒にい続けると信じています。あなたとThe GazettEは日本のロックの歴史の一部であり、私はこれからもずっとバンドのファンです!



  • from Rita

    My dear Reita, I still can't believe you're not with us anymore. Youve been my idol when I was a teenager, and you were still in my mind, as a young adult. Hearing these sad news made me so sad, and I wished I had the chance to see you live once. As an overseas fan, it is really difficult to hear that your idol brutally passed away. I may not be a very old fan of The GazettE, but I was a fellow one, and I loved you and The GazettE for 5 years. Thanks a lot for all these good memories. Je t'aime♡


  • from ritsuppy




  • from Jackie

    Reita I hope you know how very very much you were love and are still loved. I miss you. The world is not the same without you in it. May God bless your soul. Rest well friend 💜


  • from Twyla

    i got introduced to The GazettE from an old friend i had and it really changed my life. You influenced me so much. I was heartbroken when i heard the news and i still cant believe it. Happy birthday and rest in peace Reita.


  • from Coma

    You were and will always be my favorite. Seeing you on stage always cheered me up no matter what, itll be bittersweet without you. We'll miss you, but thank you so much for the time you were here with everyone. Rest easy knowing the fans will support the band always and forever!


  • from sis☆MAD

    れいたくん 遅くなってしまったけれどお誕生日おめでとう。 れいたくんが生まれてきてくれたことに、ガゼットに居てくれることに感謝しています。 れいたくんが空へ飛び立ち星になってしまったこと、なかなか受け止められません。 でもれいたくんが生きた証は私の中にも存在していて、これからも存在し続ける。 だってtheGazettEは永遠だから。 なので曲を聴きながら涙を流すのはもうやめます。 笑顔でtheGazettE 5人・スタッフさんたち・ゼッターさんたちと時間を共有していきたいから。 れいたくん、今までありがとう! 心安らかにお眠りください。 でもでも、これからもよろしく! ライブでまた会えることを楽しみにしてます! WE ROCK‼︎


  • from Fubio



  • from Cheto

    Reita you were the one I liked the most and really loved your hair and style, and I was so sad when I heard the news. Happy Birthday!!


  • from 三魚



  • from Ayumu

    Thank you for exist in my life, you change my life with your music. The moment I saw you immediately I just fall in love with the gazette. Thank you for everything, rest well Reita. I love you. Forever bassists for the gazette.


  • from Maneyaku

    hello,reita im sure gazette will live on as you wished and we as your fans will always remember you and the times you were a part of gazette,your music saved my life and gazettewill always be my top favorite band,thankyou for everything youve done for us ..we all love you hope you rest in peace knowing you have had amzing people in your life thatt will always care about you, thankyou for everything


  • from Kasumi

    The gazette is one of the bands that has had the most impact on my life, your departure was something that broke my heart, but I know that you're here in spirit. My love for you, and for the band will be eternal, I hope you can see the great affection and appreciation that we all have for you. 🤍


  • from ゆみ


    今もかわらず5人のthe GazettEを愛してるよ。




    これからもずっとずっとかわらずthe GazettEを愛し続けるよ。


  • from Ghislaine Cariny

    Je te dit mercie de m'avoir acompagner toi et le groupe dans les moments difficile comme dans les joyeux.Ce groupe et ses membres font partie de moi et pour étres honnête je n'y est pas cru au début et maintenant je suis là les larmes aux yeux essaiyant de trouver les mots pour crier toute ma peine et tous l'amour que j'ai pour toi. Je t'écouterai encore et encore, et graverai le son de ta basse dans mon coeur plus pofond qu'il n'y est déja pour qu'elle écrase ma tristesse de ta perte. Miss you.


  • from Ayumi⭐︎



  • from あゆと

    the GazettEに出会ってから20年ほど経ちますが


  • from Grei

    Gaze-rock will never die. Thank you for the wonderful music, thank you for your amazing personality and style, thank you for all of the best memories, and thank you for you. You were, and are, a treasure to this world and we will hold onto everything you've gifted to us until we all can meet you again. I want to see the GazettE play live, with all of the members and all of the fans, even if I have to wait until the world ends. You'll be in our hearts forever. RIP: Rock in Paradise.


  • from Lilith

    I've met many friends, family, really, as a result of this band. Your unique style and spirit touched us all.
    Oresama Family loves you.
    The Take Over the World Society loves you.
    Room 13 is officially closed.


  • from Kym

    Your music got me through dark times during my high school years and for that I am forever grateful. Thank you so much.


  • from Alistair

    Your talent and your style will always be an inspiration for many, I hope where ever you end up you will know how much you meant to many fans, family and friends you will never be forgotten and many memories of you will be as bright as the sun. Myself and many will miss you forever the gazettE will not be the same without you. No matter where or when you'll forever be apart of our memories and may you rest on peacefully. ♥


  • from Shai

    I discovered the gazette in my developing days and I have loved them ever since, as someone 30 now, they helped me through a lot. But Reita ALWAYS caught my attention, I know it may be the same for a lot and the same for the rest of the band. Reita will be missed so aggressively, so hard, it won’t be the same without you. You’ll be in our gazhearts forever, we love you so much, Reita. We’ll continue to love and support and make you proud. 🖤


  • from Natalie

    Reita, du fehlst. Ich hoffe es geht dir gut. Du warst ein wichtiger Teil in meinem Leben. Du hast dafür gesorgt, daß ich immer nach vorne geschaut habe und selbstbewußt wurde... Danke für alles. Für die Musik, die Liebe, die Leidenschaft. Danke. Ruhe in Frieden Großer. Ich dachte immer, ich werde mit Gazette gemeinsam alt... Jetzt fehlt einer und es ist so leer... Es fehlt ein Stück und das bist du.


  • from 黒鋼カズ

    You are a beautiful soul, and to me you’re just going somewhere better..
    you’re close and you’re never far

    I love you and thank you for all the most wonderful moments and music you made for us. You’re a treasure, now and always

    Now you can rest peacefully


  • from 流季

    the GazettEは永遠です


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