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May 27(Mon)12:00〜 June 26(Wed)23:59

  • from Rivvy

    I can't believe heaven took you from us so soon. I miss you lots. I will never stop supporting the GazettE as the band has been my anchor and safe space for over 14 years. You've saved my life in so many ways. You've inspired me to pick up the bass guitar and your music inspired me to write.

    I will forever be grateful for the friends I've made through Gazerock.
    Thank you for everything.
    Rock on in heaven, Reita.


  • from River

    I will forever be grateful for all the good memories I have with the GazettE and especially Reita who had such a big impact on my life. I will forever remember him with a smile even though it hurts deeply. I will forever keep him and all the members in my heart. Thank you for everything, Reita. You'll be rocking heaven, right? I love and miss you lots.


  • from あみ

    おめでとう これからもよろしくね


  • from Karen

    Reita-san, thank you so much, your departure still hurts me, I still can't stop crying for you, I know it will be difficult for me and that at some point I will smile when I remember you, I love you very much and I love the Gazette very much ❤️ I promise you that I will always do it until last of my days for all of you.


  • from A.



  • from Gianna

    I miss you but you are always with me. Seeing the others on stage without you is a feeling I don't think I'll ever overcome. You were a part of the musical group that saved my life. Now, I sit here wishing to go back and some how some way maybe I could have saved yours. Thank you for your passion, your talent, your love and the precious smile beneath your covered nose. I love you Reita, forever in this life and even more so in the next. I hope you see me and I hope to make you proud.


  • from 涙兎

    the GazettEは私の青春時代からの大好きなバンドです。
    これからもthe GazettEは私の大好きなバンドです。
    そんな私も母になり子育て中ですが、娘が大きくなったらthe GazettEのライブ行きますね。


  • from なな



  • from Henriette Whilemine

    Dear Reita
    the GazettE was the first jrock band i listened to, i found u 5th of april 2007, and since then u've been my favourite band. I grew up listening to u
    Im so happy I saw you live in 2019 in London!

    U were my favourite in the group from day 1, and tho all of u have different charms, u stood out to me. I didnt know I loved bass before i heard Silly God Disco, now I think of u every time I hear a bass playing.

    U and the GazettE have ment so much for so many, thank you and rest in peace<3


  • from Caelumn

    Reita was the person 1st person that I saw in vk that ultimately got me into The GazettE, my favorite band. It's now 14 years with you guys and I can honestly say it was Reita who gave me a chance to like the things that I was shunned and made fun of for, just because he was so cool. He's still cool to me, and now Im trying to be even has ? as cool as he is. Happy Birthday. And thank you.


  • from marcella

    my favorite bassist is gone, but never forgotten. your memory and legacy will carry on until the end of time. goodbye reita, we miss you dearly.


  • from まゆ



  • from Susii

    Dearest Reita

    Your music gave me so much joy and wonderful Memories.
    Being part of your Journey throu life was a special gift you gave us all.
    Believe me when I tell you, ride with the Rockers will always stay in my heart.
    Your smile was so warm and kind...
    Now Rock on in heaven my friend, you have some special friends up there with you.
    Gosh, what would I give to hear you all play one last time.
    Encore starts in till then...WE ROCK !


  • from Laura

    Dear Reita, thank you for being such a huge part of my teenage years. Your cheerfulness, passion and dedication will be dearly missed, but you will live on for eternity through your music and fans. May you rest in peace 🕊️🌹 ~ 私の十代の頃に大きな存在でいてくれてありがとう。あなたの明るさ、情熱、献身は私たちにとってかけがえのないものですが、あなたは音楽とファンを通して永遠に生き続けるでしょう。安らかにお眠りください🕊️🌹


  • from D

    I’ve been a fan since 13 years old, & I’m 31 now. Thank you for making music that helped me through all the tough times. Goodbye, for now. Sending all my love


  • from Nako

    ハッピーバースデーREITA  これからもよろしくね。この前のライブのベース、アンコールの曲が特に心臓に響いてきて最高でした。来年わたしは海外にいて、バースデーライブがあったとしても駆けつけることはできないけれど、海の向こうでガンガン曲を流してお祝いします。ワールドツアーに来てくれたらいいのにな~!また会える日を楽しみにしています!


  • from Salma

    We will all miss you. It was lovely meeting you. Rest easy.


  • from イノリ


    the GazettEは

    the GazettEの中の

    the GazettEに、


  • from Simon-Lee

    I first found this band when I was in middle school. Each and every one of you handed together as if by decided by fate and have been doing amazing things with your music. You all collectively saved the life of a struggling, depressed kid who didn't even know if they would make it to 18. I'm 22, now. And I have the music you all have made to thank. And you, Reita, were a big part in it all. Your work and art will stick with me forever. Thank you for everything and Fly High. 🖤


  • from hide_deni

    Dear REITA Thank you for being part of my life and for making me happy at every moment, for giving me a light when I need it most. I miss you so much, please take care of RUKI, KAI, URUHA, AOI and all the fans who loves you and admires you. You will always live in our heart. Thank you for everything my only star 🖤 I know i will see you again


  • from Victoria

    Dear Reita, thank you so much for all your hard work, may you rest in peace forever. We all love you so much, forever. Thank you.


  • from nanami8

    Dear Reita,
    I would like to thank you for being the person who you are.
    I am grateful to you for so many things I can't count...
    It was because of you that I became a fan of The Gazette. It was because of you that I've met the majority of the friends I have now. You did so much for people like me, you probably can't even imagine - you have influenced all of our lives.
    I will always keep your memory in my heart.
    Thank you for everything.


  • from zel

    Reita, there are no words to describe how much I miss you. Your great effort will not be forgotten, and neither will your talent. The gazette will always and for all eternity, be a band of 5 people. You are in everyone's hearts, I still feel you present. 🤍


  • from しゅん?☆

    Reita, I never thought I'd write this, I never wanted to think this day would come. I love you, and The GazettE, y'all have been my support for forever and I wish this wouldn't have been so sudden but I know u're now a star in the sky over us. Dazzling, as you always were.☆ Thank you for making life so much easier. You will always be one of my top inspirations in art and fashion. We miss you like crazy. Hope you feel as loved as u are, wherever u are. Happy bday´ˎ˗ Let's meet one day, my star.♡


  • from AB

    the GazettEと出会えて本当によかった。

    れいたさんが大事にしているthe GazettEは永遠です。


  • from Camila

    Hello Rei-chan.
    Thank you for every single moment you and this band made me the happiest. the GazettE has been a part of my life for 12 years now, and I couldn't be more grateful.
    I love you, I love this band, I love your music, all the songs I cannot live without, and every one I knew because of this band. Because of YOU.
    I'll be forever grateful for everything you are.
    the Gazette will live forever, and I'll love this band 'till the end of my days, always remembering our amazing bassist <3


  • from Steven Echternach

    I've been a fan of The Gazette ever since my friend introduced me to Dogma in middle school. I'm disheartened by the death of Reita. May he rest in peace.


  • from Tony Tep

    In loving memory of my favorite bassist Reita. Your melodies will forever dance in my heart. Thank you for being a pinnacle of my musical growth as a bassist and as a person. Rest in harmony.


  • from Nivra

    Reita, you'll forever live in all of our hearts. Thank you for everything. I hope you're seeing how many of us love you from all over the world. You're an inspiration to us all.


  • from Emily

    To Reita,

    Happy birthday! You were my first star crush that I loved and admired twenty years ago. I was obsessed with music from the GazettE and played the bands music on my piano. You were my favorite in the group, I even set my Facebook profile picture to a photo of you. You inspired me to learn a bit of guitar and I even bought your signed guitar pick off ebay.

    I hope you're happy in heaven, free from all that pained you in this life.

    With love from Canada


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