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May 27(Mon)12:00〜 June 26(Wed)23:59

  • from Amy

    20 years was not long enough to walk along side you. I hope where ever you are you're at peace and continue to look down on your band members and family with a smile. We will all miss you so much and we love you dearly. Rest well dear friend ❤️


  • from Zoraida Pierre

    Rei-chan, você vai para sempre estar em meu coração. Obrigada por fazer parte da minha vida e por trazer carinho e sorrisos em tudo que fazia. O the GazettE se tornou eterno graças a você. Obrigada por tudo! Eu te amo! 💓🕊️ 🇧🇷


  • from Danielle

    The first the GazettE's song I've ever listened to is Cassis, and since your passing, it sounds different. Now it sounds to me how it feels to miss someone. I'm so sorry for not being able to make it to your memorial last 27th... I hope, from all of my heart, that all the love from fans all around the world have reached you. I hope you are in peace, and that you keep showing up in the night sky as the prettiest star, and of course keep attending concerts, so your bandmates won't feel lonely.


  • from Lady

    Dear Reita, I love you and miss you. GAZEROCK will never die and we will continue to support the GazettE. You (and Toshiya) made me want to switch from the guitar to the bass. In fact, you were and are one of the reasons why I miss playing an instrument. Just know that you're a huge inspiration. Rest well. 🩶


  • from Markell scott

    Thank you for being the most amazing human being ever. I started listening because of the base line at the beginning of shadow vi ii I and was hooked instantly. You will be missed but not forgotten REST IN POWER!!!!


  • from Christen

    Dear REITA, thank you for being one of the coolest people to ever exist, and for being a huge inspiration to many. I will never forget how excited you were at the meet and greet when I told you that I play bass. I am forever grateful for you and your legacy, and I hope you always feel how much the world loves you. While we miss your physical presence, I hope you remain with us Six Guns in spirit as we all protect the GazettE. Hope you had a great first heavenly birthday. Rock in peace! 💛🕊️


  • from Kat

    rest well, reita. i've been listening to the gazettE on and off for years. i'm just a teenager, so i never got to see you perform live, but your music means the world to me. you were one of my favorite bassists. the news of your death broke my heart. you will always live forever on in our hearts and your music. GAZEROCK IS NOT DEAD!


  • from 利紗🫶

    あれから毎日れいたの生きた証を観ているよ。 わかっていることだけど改めて、こんなにカッコよくて時に可愛いれいたを好きでいる事に幸せを感じてる。 ずっと心の中で色褪せずに鮮明にれいたが生きてる。 これからもこの身が尽きるまで一生れいたを愛しているよ。


  • from Katelynn Celkis

    Dear Reita, may you rest in peace and always be remembered. May your friends, family, and band mates remember all the good times they had with you and know that you are watching over them. 🕯


  • from Morgan BringsPlenty

    Reita, thank you for everything. You were a part of my childhood basically. The gazette is one of few bands whom had brought me out of a dark place in my life. You inspired me to play bass . which my boyfriend had bought one for me to help me learn. You will forever live in our hearts. We love you reita and hope you rest well . We will love you and the gazette forever.


  • from Sara

    Gazette played a huge part growing up my life and helped
    me build on my talents and Career Reita actually inspired me in many ways let alone my older sister was a big fan of him. I just like to thank Reita for being part of Gazette and thank him for being part of my sisters life. We just want to say this isn't goodbye we will all meet again one day. I'm sure when that day comes it will be the best concert to be ever played.


  • from Anna

    Dear Reita,

    It seems like yesterday since we lost you. The feeling of sadness still overwhelms me.

    You may not be here with us physically but you will live forever.

    Rest in paradise and rock on!


  • from Lisa / Alison Hylan

    Since then, the divine in me recognized the divine within you.
    Vibration of sounds guided me through unsafe mind and inner venture.
    Endings happen quiet but awakenings are rude,
    Yet tears aren't only meant to convey sadness, but also gratitude.
    Thank you, Reita.
    And now, the divine in me will always honour the divine that is you.

    Borrowing a line from Queen's song,
    "touch my world with your fingertips.. And we can have forever. And we can love forever."
    You did it, Reita. You did it.


  • from ゆみ


    でも5月27日のライブを経てthe GazettEはこれからも“5人”で進んで行くと知り少し安心できました


    the GazettEに出会えて本当に幸せです
    一生the GazettEについていきます

    “the GazettEは永遠”です


  • from Marlena

    Reita, many years have passed since I discovered your band, and you especially. I was only 11 years old when I fell in love with The GazettE, and you ended up being my favorite member in the whole band. I’ll never forget when my aunt went to Japan, and bought me your Stacked Rubbish album. I’m now 30 years old, and discovering this news broke my heart. I hope you’re resting in peace. Thank you for leaving such an imprint on our hearts, and in the music world!


  • from NeonBanshee

    Gazette foi a primeira banda de j-rock que eu tive contato e você foi o primeiro que me chamou atenção com a faixa no nariz, a falta que você faz é imensa e eu queria muito ter tido uma oportunidade de ter te visto ao vivo. Obrigada por tudo, você vai ser pra sempre meu baixista favorito.


  • from ゆめちむ

    この世に生まれてきて、the GazettEのREITAになってくださり、本当にありがとうございました。「誰からも嫌われない人はいない」と言いますが、REITAさんのことを嫌いな人はこの世にいないんじゃないかと思うくらい、皆に愛される、素敵な方だと思っています。

    REITAさんを好きになって、the GazettEを好きになったから、素敵な友人や、楽しい思い出が沢山できました。


    これからもずっと、REITAさんがくださった思い出を大切にします。帰り道は、いつも気をつけて帰りますね!ありがとうございました。WE ROCK!!


  • from Kofek/vasilisa

    hmmm I just thought it would be interesting to write something, I don’t even know what to write, I just heard that Reita came into someone’s dream and told them not to worry about his death, I guess that’s all I wanted to say, I love The creativity of this group is very strong and all the participants are truly legendary!! 🧷📿🧷📿🧷🖤🍋‍🟩🖤🍋‍🟩🖤


  • from Pedro

    Reita, no hace mucho tiempo que ha pasado de tu lamentable partida a la hora que te dedico este mensaje, pero quisiera compartir que has sido un artista incomparable. Le has dedicado mas de 20 a?os a la m?sica y tu exc?ntrico arte ha cautivado e inspirado a los fans alrededor del mundo. Tu gran deseo ha sido que Gazette viva por siempre, y estoy seguro que tus colegas, los integrantes de esta grandiosa banda y tus fans van a preservar ese legado que nos dejaste.

    Hasta siempre Reita.


  • from Julianne Marie Lopez

    Hello Reita, I miss you. We all miss you. You were taken from this Earth way too soon. I’ve been a fan since 2006 and I’ve never expected this to happen. Your bright aura shined in the arenas, your goofiness made everyone laugh and your talent with your bass inspired those that always wanted to play an instrument. Keep jamming up there! I’m playing GazettE songs in your memory.

    Gazerock is not dead!!!


  • from MS

    Happy birthday Reita!
    I always look up at the sky and think of you now.
    Rest well, and watch over us.
    We’ll miss you.


  • from From Hotaru 🇦🇷💙🤍

    You will always be present for all of us Rei-san. We will all walk hand in hand because we are all The GazettE 🎶🎵🤟💥


  • from Steven C

    Dear Reita-san,

    I have been a fan of The GazettE since the early 2010s and always get hyped for new material from the band. Hearing of your passing was devastating. You will always be in our hearts from fans all over the world.

    Rest In Piece, brother.


  • from Yuzuha

    Happy late birthday Reita, I already miss you a ton. I hope wherever you are you're happy in peace in an eternal rest. You will always be apart of our memory and hearts, we will all eternally love you to the end. Rest well Reita.


  • from NANOKA









  • from Miss Hanami🌸

    Dear Reita, thank you for everything! For your invaluable contribution to the group, for your crazy energy, for your emotions and care, for your love for us. We will carry your legacy with The GazettE through the years and never forget about you. Sleep well and sing with us... 🫰🖤


  • from Nana Nykara 🇧🇷

    REITA, obrigada por ter sido ímpar a sua maneira, pela sua singularidade sem igual. Sou grata ainda por ter tido a honra de ser coadjuvante de seu protagonismo, de ter sido espectadora de sua estadia e saiba que, enquanto ainda existo, me assegurarei de que seu heroísmo seja lembrado, mesmo que tenhamos um único espectador. Grande irmão, obrigada por tudo! Certamente sua energia atravessou fronteiras e deixou marcas profundas, uma chama que nunca irá se apagar! Te amo!


  • from ku

    今までthe GazettEの音楽やライブに沢山救われてきました。
    れいたさんがいなくなって気持ちの整理も全く出来ていないけど、今もthe GazettEの音楽に救われています。


    生まれてきてくれて、the GazettEとしてずっと活動してくれてありがとう。
    the GazettEに出会えて、れいたさんのファンになれて幸せだよ。


    本当に本当に本当に本当に悲しいけど、the GazettEは絶対守るかられいたさんも見守っていてね。



  • from Komelton

    We'll miss you dawg☹️


  • from Arina

    Dear REITA,
    Thank you for being born! You worked so hard all these years, please take a good rest.
    In my memory, you'll always be like a cool older brother, a true rockstar who loves bikes, cars, leather jackets and silly jokes. Even though you never meant to grab attention, the spotlight during the live shows was always on you because you shine so brightly. A true backbone for the band.
    Sorry for crying on your birthday, I promise to be stronger and greet you with a smile another time.


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