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May 27(Mon)12:00〜 June 26(Wed)23:59

  • from Ariane From Brazil

    For today, I say bye to you here, but without saying farewell, but rather see you later! 🖐 Watch over us from above and please send strength and energy to The GazettE, they are suffering a lot. 😔 🙏 We will all rise together for you and the band. 🦾 Your last wish will be fulfilled, The GazettE will last forever, 🌟☄ don't worry! We are unbreakable, just like a coconut tree, we only swing, but we don't fall! We Rock! 🤘 ❤️‍🔥 🎸


  • from Letícia 🇧🇷

    Reita, muito obrigada pelos anos que você me permitiu passar com você, vou guardar tudo na minha memória e coração com muito carinho. Te amo eternamente


  • from ま

    れいたさん... 2ヶ月が経っても、言葉にならないほどの悲しみが変わらないですが、感謝の気持ちの方がたくさんあります。そして幸せな記憶。今まで本当に本当にありがとうございました。そして、これからも相変わらず私たちの側にいてください。 theGazettEは永遠に5人なので、これからもよろしくお願いします!


  • from Ariane From Brazil

    Well, I hope that in some way you can visit this memorial in your honor and feel our love and admiration for you that will last forever. 🥹 Thank you for everything! For his music, his way of playing, his fantastic personality, his humorous and radiant manner and his incredible performance on stage. I will love you forever! 💞 Visit us in our dreams if you can and may you bring a breath of tenderness to the 4 members of The GazettE to comfort their hearts. 🙌 ☄


  • from Ariane From Brazil

    Today is undoubtedly a very sad day, as we are leaving you our last messages, words cannot describe this feeling. 💔 I'm sure the angels in heaven are having fun with you up there, you must be playing your bass a lot and teaching them, right? 😉 I envy the heavens right now. I just can't forgive you for leaving us down here without you, 😑 by the way, Aoi will scold you when one day he gets there, 😅 get ready! 😂 🇧🇷♥🇯🇵 🎸


  • from cheyenne

    I first discovered the GazettE when I was 13, I am now 29. The GazettE has been with me ever since. Reita was such an inspiring and wildly unique inspiration in multiple facets, and am so grateful I got to experience his music in my lifetime. His music has touched so many people throughout the entire world, breaking through barriers. What an amazing life to have led. The GazettE will last forever, we will carry them until the end. We love you so much. ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚


  • from Ariane From Brazil

    I hope you felt loved not only by The GazettE, but also by all of us fans! Here in Brazil, 🇧🇷♥🇯🇵 you were the most beloved member, Ruki once said that you were the heart of the band, the nucleus of the group and we all know why. You will always be remembered as someone who was sweet, kind, philanthropic, and gave us your heart and put everything you had into The GazettE. You are, always have been and always will be a myth! Both in music and bass!


  • from Maria 🌊

    I can't express how much I love you you are everything to me, reita I wish I had a chance to see you and the boys in person I will always think of you, whenever I see the sky I will think of you whenever I see a star I will remember you you did a great job, reita 𖹭 We will never forget you, you were the most special and talented person we have ever seen I love you with all my heart. 💗


  • from Ariane From Brazil

    I had the honor and pleasure of seeing you in person three times when The GazettE came to Brazil and made my dream come true. It was the happiest day of my life. I remember your energy, when you spun around with your bass... ah! What wonderful memories! I smile and cry at the same time, you left too soon, but you left us with great and lovely memories. You were unique in your essence and style, you gave life to the second generation of Visual Kei and JRock! You were iconic in everything. 🎸


  • from Ariane From Brazil

    Dear Reita, I so wish this was all a lie, a bad joke. 😭 I waited every day for you to appear on your Twitter saying that you were fine and that everything was just a misunderstanding. 😔 I told myself I would only believe you were gone when I only saw The GazettE quartet. But when I saw the four members on the stage, I still had a hard time believing it, you left a wound and a void that will never be filled. 💔 🇧🇷♥🇯🇵


  • from Gabby Ella

    I'm so glad I was able to see you do what you love doing the most: being on stage as a rockstar, REITA. I have no regrets loving you and the band for all these years because all you gave me was hope and beautiful memories. It still doesn't feel real because you're always in my heart, thoughts, and prayers. You deserve all the best and all the love in the world. You left us too soon, but you will always be remembered. Thank you for everything! Thank you for being REITA. I Love You So Much. (2)


  • from Laura 🇨🇴

    Dear Reita, although it has been a while it still feels very unreal that you are no longer here. I will always remember you with much love and respect. Your music has always been my ally, it has been my company in my bright days and the light that has illuminated my darkest days. You were and still are someone amazing as an artist and as a human being, I hope in your heart you always knew how important you are to us.💖 Te amo Rei... Muchas gracias por todo, siempre te llevaré en mi corazón. ❤️💕


  • from Gabby Ella

    Dear REITA, I hope you're happy and doing well, watching us from above. Although you may not know me or all your other fans, you've greatly impacted our lives, along with GazettE. I would have never become a fan of GazettE if I hadn't seen how cool REITA looked in THE INVISIBLE WALL PV when I watched it in 2010. I thought, "Who is that man who looks like an anime character with the nose band?! He's so cool!" And I have been following GazettE ever since. (1)


  • from Vitória Buchmeier

    Jamais esquecerei de você e da banda que me acompanhou até aqui desde meus 15 anos. Assim como desejou, o the gazettE será eterno! Obrigada por me fazer tão feliz, obrigada por tudo, você foi o melhor! Descanse em paz, Reita❤️


  • from Sono from Mexico

    Te amo. Te llevo en mi piel, te llevo en mis recuerdos más felices, te llevo en mi inspiración, te llevo en mi corazón. Gracias por vivir. Gracias por darnos vida. Gracias, porque en la inmensidad de este universo, pude conocerte. Todavía lloro por ti, Reita, pero estarás conmigo tanto como sea posible. Descansa, mi estrella.


  • from Maria Cecilia

    Querido REITA, foram 15 anos te acompanhando e agradeço eternamente por você ter sido o motivo pelo qual conheci a the GazettE. Saiba que seu legado nunca será esquecido, pois você deixou uma marca para a história do J-Rock e Visual Kei. Queria te dizer que você e a banda são eternos, como você desejou em seu último post. Obrigada por tudo.


  • from naoko

    ゆっくりと心も身体も休んでください。 こちらは梅雨入りしました。 雨の日に聞きたくなる曲を沢山ありがとうございます。 仕事へ行ってきます。


  • from Thaís

    I didn't have the chance to listen to the GazettE live, but even overseas, I have these exciting chills for each song. You had this unique style and a heart full of joy, which was part of discovering my personality. For more than 10 years, I have listened to you, and today I made the decision to learn Japanese because the GazettE was part of my life and introduced me to a universe of culture and self-acception, and I want to continue this way. Thank you so much. 🇧🇷🤍


  • from Paula

    Muito obrigada por ter escolhido a carreira de músico, o impacto que você teve em minha vida é imenso e inestimável, levarei comigo para sempre. Se ainda houverem outras vidas depois dessa quero ser sua fã na próxima e em todas as outras que vierem, te amo e que você esteja em paz.


  • from Kate The Katest

    Reita, thank you. You were and always will be a true icon to me, inspiration and spark of joy. Discovering you and the Gazette has opened a whole new, captivating world to me, which lasts till today. I am very honoured to have seen you live. Rockstar. Charisma. Talent. LEGEND!!! Shine bright!


  • from Vitaliy Filippov

    Dear Reita, your legacy will live forever. This loss still hurts with great pain and it's hard to write something coherent without tears. I wish I could express my gratitude to you when you were still with us. Your impact was so great it made many people pick bass. Gazette music saved my life one time, it accompanies me almost like a lifelong companion, and without you it wouldn't been possible. Rest in peace


  • from Natália Rodrigues

    I have been postponing this forever, but that's just because I have no idea what to say about this amazing guy that I've been following for 20 years. For more than half of my life Reita has been my role model. I am who I am today because of Reita and the GazettE. And I'd like to thank you. Thank you for keeping me alive, for making me go through every hard moment of life with you. I have no words to say how much I love and appreciate every moment together. Keep rocking, Reita! You're a star!


  • from みゆ

    れいたさん、日々あっという間に過ぎてしまいます。 れいたさんを想わない日はありません。 今までもこれから先も一生れいたさんを愛してます。 We rock🤘


  • from Angie (AnArTeEz)

    Por ello, junto a todos aquellos que amamos the GazettE, quiero continuar apoyando a RUKI-san, URUHA-san, AOI-san, KAI-san y al staff (quienes son los que hacen posible este sueño) a cumplir tu voluntad de hacer que the GazettE dure para siempre. Aunque mis esfuerzos sean pobres quiero seguir observando a the GazettE siendo grande. Porque así es la forma en la que tú y los demás miembros permanecerán por siempre en mi corazón. Nuevamente, muchas gracias por todo.♥ (Parte 2/2)


  • from めばえ

    れいたさんのおかけで私の人生の色はより鮮やかになりました。欲を言えばもっと鮮やかにしてほしかったです。さみしいです。the GazettEが永遠に続くように微力ながらできることを精一杯頑張ります。またライブで会いましょう。


  • from Veena 🇧🇷

    You'll always be my shining star, my moon and my sunshine. Thank you so much, Rei-chan. Every night I look to the sky, searching for the moon, when I find it, all I can think is ''It's you, I miss you''. I hope I can see you someday in my dreams. My eternal rockstar 🤟❤️‍🩹


  • from Angie (AnArTeEz)

    REITA-san Quisiera darte las gracias por todo. Gracias por soñar, por existir y hacer realidad, junto a los demás miembros, este maravilloso sueño que llamamos the GazettE. Gracias por hacer que tu música cruzara fronteras, gracias a ello aprendí que las barreras son inútiles cuando haces algo con todo el corazón. Pues la música de the GazettE es magia que traspasa todo tipo de barreras para llegar al corazón y al alma llenándolos por completo. (Parte 1/2)


  • from Veena 🇧🇷

    Rei-chan! There's not enough words to say how much I love you and how much I'm missing you already. You were the first one that caught my attention when I met The GazettE, a greatful surprise. Your talent will always echoes with the music, the bass always sound so vivid and now.. I can hear it louder. Sometimes I want to believe that the warm presence I feel is you. Thank you, thank you so much for your hard work and passion through all these years, I feel so blessed to be a Sixth Gun <3


  • from J. (ポーランド🇵🇱)

    It's been a while since the message about your passing hit me. I still have a feeling, like it was my long time not seen friend's passing, not a man I didn't know in person... But I think the fact, that the GazettE accompanies me for over 16 years, makes you kind of a friend. It will be hard to see an empty place on stage, but I hope your soul found peace and you are safe in God's hands now. I'm grateful for all your precious work making the GazettE as great as it is. ありがとう、れいたさん! 🖤🕊


  • from ゴリラちゃん

    訃報のニュースを何度見ても、豊洲のライブに参加して実際にステージを見ても、それでも未だに実感が湧きません。あまりにも早すぎますよ。今年のライブまだかな〜なんて友達と話してたところだったので本当に驚いたし悲しみが止まらなかったです。今年1発目のライブが追悼ライブだなんて、今年せめて1回でもいいから会いたかったなぁ。何度ステージを見てもあなたの姿は無くて何でいないの?って涙が止まらなかったです。いつもだったらここでこういうパフォーマンスしそうとかここで煽るんだろうなとか、そんな姿が見たいのに、もう見れないのは寂しいです。ルキさんが言ってた他のメンバーは入れない、ガゼットのベーシストはれいたさんだけって言葉を聞けて嬉しかったしれいたさんへの愛を感じました。他のメンバーの言葉もれいたさんへの愛に満ちていて、この5人を追っかけていて良かったなって思いました。れいたさんの最後の言葉を叶えたいのでずっとガゼットについていきます。 9月12日、豊洲で会いましょうね。どうか安らかに。最高のベーシスト、愛しています。


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