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May 27(Mon)12:00〜 June 26(Wed)23:59

  • from Katerina

    I too wish for the GazettE to last forever, so I hope I can manage to make that wish to come true. Thank you for everything. Words are not enough to express my gratitude. You were the hero of my teenage years and you are still the hero of my adulthood too. And you will always be my hero. Thank you, Reita! Thank you, the GazettE! the GazettE IS eternal! We rock!


  • from Katerina

    Your impact on my life has been undeniably huge. Your music has been a ray of light and hope for me and gave me courage and motivation to keep going even at my darkest moments. You have saved my life and you also helped me find my life path and purpose.


  • from Katerina

    I admired you because I could clearly see your gentle and kind soul and you always made me laugh with your funny antics. You made all the painful stuff I have been through more bearable and always managed to ease my pain. I have become who I am today thanks to you and the GazettE. the GazettE's music has been my sanctuary for over 16 years and it will continue to be forever. I promise I will never give up on my dreams but I will chase them instead. I will give my all just like you did.


  • from blu



  • from あんみつ

    れいたさんへ 中1のころから今までずーっとずーっと大好き! これからもずーっと大好き! たまには帰ってきてみんなでライヴしてくださいね プリンとか甘いもの食べてゆっくりしてください メンバーのこともファンのことも見守っててください いままでありがとう おやすみなさい


  • from Yuta

    あなたは私の青春そのものでした。ベース弾いてる姿はもちろん、笑った顔が大好きだった。 もし来世があるならまた会いたい。 ゆっくり休んでね。ありがとう、れいた。


  • from Luna

    Well, i'm not good at expressing my feelings but i'll try. I woke up with those news that morning and i was just existing the following two months. I couldn't believe it and i don't think i will ever can. Whenever i feel down, you were there. Well, you still are, even it's not the same. I want to hear your lively laugh again. I hope you and Koron-chan are guarding each other. I don't want to cry cause i know it'll make you sad, you wouldn't want us to cry. I miss you so much. WE ROCK


  • from Katerina

    Hello, Reita. I would like to thank you for inspiring me and giving me strength during my teenage years and even now that I am an adult. I feel really sad I never got the chance to tell you in person how much you have helped me... I wish I could tell you all the stories and talk about all the great things I was able to do and experience thanks to the GazettE. I was truly inspired by your love and passion for music, as well as your fashion sense.


  • from Karina 🇧🇷

    Obrigado por tudo REITA♥️


  • from Carolina Medeiros

    Reita, você é uma parte muito importante da minha vida, ainda consigo me lembrar da sensação de acordar e ver a notícia mais triste que eu podia receber, eu não consigo descrever o quão ruim eu me senti, e a falta que você faz é enorme, eu queria que fosse só uma viagem longa, e que daqui a alguns dias você voltaria, e estaria feliz com os meninos e sua família, sempre entro no seu twitter e rio das publicações antigas, você faz falta e eu nunca te esquecerei.


  • from 魅澄-Misumi-

    If it wasn't for your bass playing Reita-san, I would be a very different person. It has saved my life more times than I can count. Not only has it given me the courage to carry on, but GazettE's members and the amazing music you all have created has also inspired me to follow my dreams and change myself for the better so many times over the past 20 years. Going forward, I will keep using what you have taught me to keep bettering myself. Thank you for being you! ✰ GAZEROCKISNOTDEAD!!! m/


  • from Cass 🇲🇽

    Rei-San te extraño, estoy agradecida de haberlos encontrado en mi camino y haberlos visto en vivo. Gracias por venir a nosotros en cada ocasión que pudieron. Gracias por haber nacido, por haber elegido el camino que tomaste, por tus esfuerzos con la banda para seguir adelante y por todas las cosas que aprendí de ti, hasta el último momento. Gracias por salvarme y ser junto a los chicos la luz que ilumina mi vida y me guía. the GazettE será eterno, es una promesa. Hasta vernos otra vez. Te amo.


  • from <3

    I will never forget you, no one will ever forget you. We all work together to ensure that you are with us forever. Now I can smile again when I think of you, even if it still hurts. Thank you for all the wonderful moments in my life that I only have because of you, that I only have because of the Gazette! This will never stop! This is forever! You are forever in my heart ❤️ ❤️ Forever Six Guns


  • from raie

    Thank you for igniting the start of my bass journey well over 20 years ago. Hearing a bass line in any song regardless of genre will always be a reminder of you.


  • from Laura Zoe

    Dear Reita, last year i startet to learn bass and you are a big inspirstion for me. The GazettE is the reason why i got into Heavy Metal and i will never forget you. I hope you are in a better place now.


  • from tata

    espero que onde quer que você esteja, tenha conseguido continuar seu sonho e alegrar a todos com sua música. para sempre serei grata por sua existência, você mudou minha vida, saiba disso. eu te amo com todas as minhas forças, descanse em paz, Reita!


  • from Alex

    En varias ocasiones en mi vida me he sentido desamparada, pero una vez que escucho sus canciones termino mucho mejor anímicamente. Ustedes son artistas increíbles que han sido capaces de abrazar mi alma en los momentos que más lo necesito y, sin duda alguna, la de muchísimas más personas también. Reita, te puedo asegurar que the GazettE va a durar para siempre, justo como lo deseaste. En mi corazón siempre habrá un lugar especial para ti y tu música, que con tanto amor me compartiste.


  • from Akona.

    REITAさん、いかがお過ごしですか。 何があっても、これからも5人のthe GazettEを応援し続けます。 またいつかLIVEに行きますのでREITAさんのベースを爆音で鳴らしてください。 これまでも、これからもありがとう。


  • from 由里

    れいちゃんこんにちは。 そっちでの暮らしはどうですか? ここが閉じてしまう前に書きに来ました。 この間527の夢を見ました。 ただただファンみんなが名前をちぎれるくらい叫んで、そうするしかなくて それをステージにいるtheGazettEのメンバーみんなが、何を言う訳でもなくただファンを見つめてていつもとは違う会場の熱とみんなの声に乗る言葉にならない感情が突き刺さるような夢でした。 当日は私は落選してしまったため会場の空気を体験していないけど 本当に会場にいるような心臓を締め付けられる想いを今でも覚えています。 theGazettEライブの意味を再定義するような意味深いリアルな夢でした。 落選してしまった代わりに、れいちゃんが夢で断片を見せてくれたのかもしれないと勝手に解釈しています。 夢の中でしか会えないのはやっぱりとっても寂しいですが、でもこんなに大切に思わせてくれるtheGazettEに出会えたから悲しみも寂しさも全部丸ごと大切にします。 527にステージにいてくれたように9月の豊洲でもまたステージにいてください。 ずっとずっと大好きです。 またね。


  • from yang

    れいたが大好きなthe GazettE、ライブやその景色もずっとずっとみんなで守り続けていきます。だからまた会いましょう。思い出じゃなく、最高の景色をこれからも一緒に更新し続けていこう。


  • from Sam 🇲🇽

    Reita, quiero decirte que ustedes son importantes en mi vida y siempre lo serán, no te preocupes por ello, seguiré apoyándolos para siempre. Gracias por todo lo que hiciste y lo que seguirás haciendo, hiciste momentos inolvidables que jamás serán borrados, dejaste una parte de ti en todos nosotros que nos hará siempre recordarte con una sonrisa. Dónde sea que estés espero te encuentres bien. Cada vez que vea el cielo me acordaré de ti. Te quiero mucho ⭐❤️ Hasta que nos volvamos a encontrar.


  • from Feru

    HEY, Feru here. You are a brighter star now, but no problem, I understand. the GazettE turn my life so better during the pandemic and I'm so thankful, words can't explain how much I love you. Please, look for us from heaven, and thank you for everything.


  • from Anne Caroline

    Thank you very much for everything you did for me, for being the light of my life. You are the most incredible artist I have ever met, your music inspires me every day and you can be sure that we will never forget your legacy. I love you so much, Reita, you have a permanent place in my heart and I will always remember you with joy. ❤️


  • from Lili

    The GazettE sempre foi a trilha sonora da minha vida. Vocês me salvaram em vários momentos e sou muito grata por isso. Reita, foi você que fez com que eu me apaixonasse por baixo e é em você que eu me inspiro todos os dias. Você é a pessoa que está no meu pensamento sempre. Vou ajudar a proteger o the GazettE como você queria para sempre. Descansa tranquilo, minha estrela. Te amo pra sempre. ✨❤️


  • from Larissa Luscri

    Querido Reita, Ainda me pego pensando que a realidade não é tão dura e fria, e que você está apenas em um hiatus de curto prazo, descansando. De certa maneira é um pouco isso, não? Aos 10 anos batizei minha calopsita com seu nome, sabe? Vivia cantarolando as músicas pela casa. E hoje aos 24 anos, consigo sentir a nostalgia e o calor daqueles dias. Obrigada por tudo e por tanto, você foi incrível em tudo. Com muito amor direto do Brasil, Lari.


  • from ちょこばに

    REITAさん…カッコいい魅力ある大好きなベーシスト。いないことがいまだに信じられません。 オンラインサイン会でお話でき、ちょっとイジってもらったことは一生の思い出です。 姿ほ見えないけどメンバーの、ファンの心にずっと存在してくれると確信してます。 時が来たら必ずライブに参戦します。姿は見えなくともライブに行けばREITAさんを、5人のthe GazettEを感じることができるはずだから。


  • from Syeefa Zulkiflee

    I will always remember you as long as I breathe Thank you for every memories you had created for me within 18 years of knowing you. You lived like a King, and left the world with so much love. Your influence is so great, it brings the fans closer than ever. You are a true legend, Reita.


  • from Beatriz from Perú 🇵

    Conocí a the GazettE a través de una revista hace más de 15 años. Me gusta leer las entrevistas que les realizan, especialmente las de Reita, se siente como si lo conocieras de una manera más cercana. Reita fue un musico que me inspiro mucho como persona y profesional, era tan divertido escucharlo y alegraba mi vida cuando tenía malos días. Yo me seguiré esforzando para convertirme en una excelente bajista como lo era él. Reita siempre estará presente en mi corazón ❤️.


  • from ゆい

    れいたさんもう2ヶ月経ちましたがまだ信じられなくてこの気持ちをどう書いたら良いのか分かりません。自分の人生の半分をthe GazettEと過ごしました。辛いときも悲しいときも楽しいときも怒りたいときも…とにかく常に私はthe GazettEの音楽と共に居ました。まだ受け入れてはいませんそれでも時は進むから私も進むしかない…もしかしたら受け入れる事は出来ないかもしれないずっとずっと大好きなれいたさんに、ありがとうも言えない自分はファンとして失格かもしれない。毎日、音楽を聞いて映像を見て確かにそこにれいたさんが居てくれるのに…悲しいです悲しいなんて言葉じゃ表せないくらい悲しくて寂しいです。あなたが守ってきたthe GazettEをこれからも守っていきます。またれいたさんに会える日を楽しみにこれからも生きていきます。ライブには必ず毎回来てください私もれいたさんを探しますから。今までもこれからもずっと大好きです。


  • from Ariane From Brazil

    Reita Eternal Member 🕺 Reita Eternal Rockstar 🎸 Reita Forever 💖 Reita Forever In Our Heart 💞 The GazettE will last forever ❣ 🫂 🇧🇷♥🇯🇵


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